/rōv/ (v) travel constantly without a fixed destination; wander. (n) a journey, especially one with no specific destination; an act of wandering.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
eh? where's our sound card???
I think you already get it...
Our sound Card is gone!!!!!
Another member of the family
- My Parents!
- ME!!!!
- My Brother...
- My two little devil sisters
- 2 DOGS!
- a puppy!
- Our 4 little cute kittens!!!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
---Icky Question---
What's on my mind:
Umm, yeh possible but don't you find it WEIRD and ICKY???
for example, in onegai twins, the girl is in love to her own brother.
in sister princess, the girl is in love to her own brother.
in canvass, the girl is in love to her own cousin.
in... uhh.... there are other animes but, I can't remember..
But, it simply states to GUARD your HEART! Well, something like that...
It's what pastor preached when we were in highschool...
somethings really wrong here...
anywayz, GOD BLESS to all!
Im kinda feelin sleepy now...
soooo TIRED!
Well, I am tired at this moment but I JUST CAN'T SLEEP! The noise of my lil sisters are soo annoying and can really drive you nuts!
I woke up 4:30 in the morning coz I need to go to church. Honestly, I was asleep during the sermon. I am sooo bad! Bad! Bad! Bad!
Then I watched "canvas2" 7:30 am after arriving from church. I juz gotta let my conscience calm down for a while. Then I called Regine and asked if she's going to school but she was asleep and her mom was the one who came.
I came to school together with my mom and my bro.
Surprisingly, I saw her mom talking to Ma'am Escobido! We'll you don't wanna know why...
I think I gave Roveann a shock. I called early before going to school and someone in their house answered and said that she's not home. I met someone and asked a favor to give Roveann "somthing". Well, I was planning on going to Regine's house to return her DVD personally so I agreed.
(They are neighbors you know, and their schools in college are not that far apart. They're like neighbors until college! How envious! ~.~" )
Then I was surprised too when I came by to their house and saw her. They just arrived from Taguig, and so I gave her that "something".
When I got home, I got dragged by my soo nice, sweet, and kind MOM. We went to Mapua, Land bank, Morning Star, Sta. Lucia, Marikina, Notary blah blah, and others! My mom is soo great isn't she? She manages to live her life going to Manila to Canada! sigh. (o yah, dat was an expression!)
I got home 7:30 in the evening and played endless until 8:45. O yeh, I got a new watch that's why I can tell the time. LOL!
And so I tried sleeping but its no use. When I lie down to my bed, my mind starts to replay the memories back when we were highschool. I really hate when that happens! I hate it coz I'll be starting to laugh by myself, and thats WEIRD!
So here I am typing,
Man I can't SLEEP!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Express Yourself Huh?
Hmm... I'm gonna express myself!
I kinda felt bad for the four of us on our graduation day. "The four of us" or what "Grandia" usually calls us " THE FARM ANIMALS" u dont wanna know why... or which animal I am.
We didn't manage to be together for the last time!
I meant for the last day of our highschool life!
Oh yeah, I juz watched hunterxhnter greed island. I love the game they played. Kinda like rpg but in real life. I wonder if someone could invent that but its dangerous yet fun!
Full of challenges and adventure! U gotta watch dis V-Ann!
Like I said, I felt bad. Also when our story got lost. I cant forget how we started to write those stories about us. It was when we were 3rd yr right?
Actually U Grandia Highchild Yreckah or V-Ann started it. You wrote somthing bout me and GM or Gay master blah blah... Then I wrote a story about you and Regine Angelli Monzon helped me. Maybe I should stop writting in full names...
So that's how it all started and got lost in the end...
We made 14 chapters already!!!! that was such a waste!!!
anywayz I guess I have expressed myself fully enough.
Bye bye and take care all!
nothin' much
its vacation and I'm feelin' bored.
nothing to do..
"nothing to do", this phrase is so troublesome. When my mom heard me say this, she made me clean my room. I started cleaning 4 days ago and until now, im not yet done though my room is not that big to clean. Its because of the school papers. I need to sort em out including my brother's.
In my portfolio, I usually leave some drawings there and some papers that holds some special memories. For example, the papers we used when we note pass. Some are my friend's drawings. Speaking of that, I saw Nino's drawing, the comic one. Well, I forgot to return it to him and I'm supposed to return it while we were at JS Camp. LoL
I saw my school bag and its full of trash. Geez, I can't remember when I last cleaned it. Full of candy wrappers, "tasa ng lapis", crumbled papers, junk food wrappers and other trash.
I just don't find cleaning enjoying. U know what I mean?
Then, my brother discovered some online game called endless online. If u wanna check it out, it web is www.endless-online.com.
I kinda got hooked up playing that game. Sometimes I would spent 5 hours playing it. There I met only few filipinos and some filipinos built a guild. They named it "Pinoy Deathlock Academy" or "PDA".
Back to reality, I heard my mom talking to my auntie on the phone. I was trying to ask my mom if I could eat the "wiggles" on ref. That time my mom forbids me to eat sweets. Juz don't ask why, mothers sometimes when they feel like to be strict, they just do. Poor me huh?
Anywayz, I heard that my auntie is coming together with her office mates on tuesday (NOW!). It was a week before when I heard it, and so there came our one week of CLEANING! This is sooo a punishment for being a bad girl.
In addition to that, our computer got wrecked last 5 days and got repaired yesterday. It really was my little sister's fault! She just won't admit it.
And so here I am, typing after playing 2 hours of endless online.
oh yea, if u wanna add me, my character's name is Priimula.
Gud luck to all my classmates, I hope ur all having the best time of your life!!!!
oh yea, and no ones posting recently specially in gardez
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
bye-bye to my fellow 4th yearz!
The end is near!!!
But it doesn't give you an assurance that you can't visit the house of your classmate and clean their ref. or meet them at the train station, you'll only acquire freedom from the faces of your classmates.
err.. right??
But on the other side, it's still sad because you need to befriend someone again who will allow you to copy from his/her assignment. That's hard! and I'm figuring a way on how to approach them.
But there's one thing to say
to try to make yourself feel better
on the day of graduation...
"There is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go."
haha! connetion? but if you'll try to look through it maybe you'll find that "connection". Corny...
umm... that's all folks! and sayonara to all the graduates!
Maybe, I'll just skip grad huh?
if only I could...
You don't get it? well, me neither.
Friday, March 23, 2007
.........don't know wat to do.....
I think they're just so busy doing their own stuff...and the Graduation day is fast approaching...
but anyway, I should keep on writing out here...just spending my useless time! - hehehe...
waaaaaaaaaah! I don't know what to do now!!!
how about you? can you help me to find and try something new?
Saturday, March 17, 2007
after such terrible cough i had this past two months, i have now allergies! - wat da?!
first, it covered my whole feet, then legs, then thighs!
second, it covered my whole arms!
third, my back, neck, then my face!
i can't help myself but to scratch...waaaah!
i don't know really its cause...it may be from the food i've eaten or from the dust...i know i have my allergies into these things...
if it's from food, i can't figure out what food i ate...i guess it's not
if it's from the dust, i guess it is!
room is so filthy!
dusts are everywhere...esp. in my pc
unfiled papers are spreading in the racks...
my things are cluttered...
bedsheets, comforter, pillows, and huggable dolls were already more than two months old...i mean needed to be wash...
yuck! i guess i better clean up my room...um,,,maybe tomorrow...hehehe...
see yah! =D
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
hate...want...nothin' to say...
i hate to speak!
i hate to work!
i hate to do all these crazy stuff! esp. out of my wants...
i hate to live no more!
waha! i hate all! i'm a hater! - waha! so evil...
i want to sleep!
i want to eat!
i want to play all day long!
i want to watch until cinema shuts down!
i want to listen to music!
i want to sing until i'm out of voice!
i want to dance until my bones break down!
i want to do fun things!
i want to travel and have adventures!
i want to die!
i want to go to heaven now!
i want to get all i want!
waha! i want all! i'm a spoiled brat! - waha! so evil...
P.S. I just haven't anything to say...lol! hehehe...
Monday, March 12, 2007
errrr...baka! =D
dami gagawin ngayong araw na toh! tapos dinagdagan pa ng mga usaping hinde maganda! asar! tapos sunud-sunod pa malas ko! ang malas ko talaga ngayong araw na toh! rarrrrr....
kung nawala lang talaga ako sa sarili ko, I've already killed all the people involved in Education!
kung wala lang ako self-control kanina eh, pinatay ko na si siopao! - lol!
kung wala lang talaga ako patience kanina, medyo maputi pa sana ako ngayon! - haha! lol!
errrrr....asar! ayaw ko na talaga mabuhay!!! - lol!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
just nothin'
I just gotta need to memorize Proverbs 3 for our Values quiz on Tuesday. God bless us!
What I've watched this day: (nothin')
- Takeshi's Castle
- Magic Kamison
- Love Me or Hate Me by Lady Sovereign
- Don't Matter by Akon
- I Wanna Love You by Akon feat. Snoop Dogg
- Keep Your Hands Off My Girl by Good Charlotte
- Grand Theft Autumn by Fall Out Boy
- This Isn't A Scene, It's An Arms Race by Fall Out Boy
Friday, March 09, 2007
unusual talks...
No face anymore! Hate to see and remember those serious eyes again! Am I right Rosy?
My mom and I had a cruel conversation over the telephone this afternoon at the office. I laughed very loud and said many unpleasant words. Waha! But I'm not serious at all! I don't talk seriously to all people who are serious or a little bit angry.
How about the conversation before the telephone thing? Waaaaaah! Hope that no one has heard those things! We might be killed! Our reputation will just be putted into trash! - do we have? hahahaha!
But anyway, hope that they've not be able to hear those things. If they did, we're dead!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
few days to go...
But projects are keeping us down. Priodical exam is fast approaching. Wat on earth?!
Hope that we could finish all the requirements we needed for this school year.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
I don't know but I think I can't smell. I lose my sense of smell. Yes, I have a flu but I can breathe normally. It's just my sense of smell doesn't work.
I've done a few things in gardez la foi. And it has already 13 members. I hope that it'll increase before the school year ends, atleast. So that even though we're already in college, we can stay in touch to each other.
I'm doing now the project in Values. Hope that I could finish it today so that I may now start studying and memorizing tomorrow.
My dad might not be able to go home this March for my Graduation day and for this summer. Just this afternoon, I heard my mom talking to her cell and I know that she's talking to my dad. I don't know if my dad will go home or not.
Aalisha's operation has succeeded and just need to wait for her complete recovery. Thank God!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Lookin' ahead of ya
I'm really in a tight spot now. All of the fourth years are! Um, some must've been made up their minds. All I know is that I'm still confused.
What do I want when I grow up?
Yeah, this common question that can be answer even by a two year old have been bugging my mind. When I was a child, back when I don't know what art is and I don't know how to draw, I always envied those people who knows how to draw and how to design and stuff. No one taught me for no one in my family knows how to draw. My dad knows but he was sailin' in the middle of the ocean that time, back when his mind told him that there are many coins scattered in the ocean. I taught myself. Tracing pictures from different kinds of books really helped me. back then, I can already draw tweety, hello kitty and a small mouse. (not boasting) This memory proved me that art or drawing was already inside of me even when I was a child.
No really what do I want?
When I was I grade four or five, I have always dreamed of putting up a bakery (pantasia??? hahaha! azuma kazuma! anu ulit title nun?). I want to design cakes and stuff. When I was in my first year of highschool, I want to be teacher. Reason? 'coz teachers recieves many gifts especially on valentines day and christmas parties! hahaha! When I was in Third year, I agreed to become an accountant ("how hard could it be?"-what I said to my mom back then.)
Now, I don't know...
I want to be an interior designer. Why? I love designing houses, chairs, tables, beds and even dresses but mom doesn't want to. My dad approves... (I hate controlling costs of each item!-get it?)
I want to take fine arts and other concerning art. But, that doesn't help me, why? I NEED to be CERTAIN!
I want to take architecture. Dad approves.. my mom doesn't. her only problem was the school. Mapua? Mapua in makati does have architecture, only in the intramuros branch. Malayo daw!
UST? layo din daw... Global? tagal na ata la sa choices yan... Snt Benilde? layo din daw eh...
If I take accounting which I just thought that I don't want it, mom approves but well, there's still a problem for her... She wants a school who is especialized in that field. PSBA? she thinks the surrounding of the school is dangerous. MAPUA (makati)? having second thought but nearly in approval. my dad? well, I guess he just nods on everything we ask him except...
Nursing? ah! I already canceled that on my list years and years ago! why? I'm afraid of blood or any kind of bruise! Dad hates that too! he said its icky! LOL! my mom approves of it and I can go to GCIC if I will be taking nursing. why she approved? because she wants me to go abroad.
Oh yeah, there a new course on my list.
CIVIL ENGINEERING. Whoa! waw! I must be very desperate on studying in Mapua. But the bad news is I hate geometry! which is one of its subjects and also in architecture and Mapua Makati doesn't have civil e. Only in intramuros branch.
why can't my parents understand???? Is it for my own good? or for their benefits? Popularity?
ahh! uhu-uhu... ok i'm always cryin' these days.. (cry baby!)
any suggestions? comments? ADVICE?
^.^ --- erm.. help..---
S2pid Miztake! - Uh, HELP! ~.~"
I'm no cupid, that's for sure!
I'm no Doctor heartache or what ever, Yeah I'm sure!
But I just don't know why,
those tears just asks me why?
Ah! uhu-uhu...
I don't know what to do! I totaly need a professional help!
What I did to my cousin (mother side) is just remarkable! I havn't told anyone about this except for my seatmate I guess... "U-Know-Who" (harry potter??)
I was like the most important person in their life. Let me tell you the story at school, I just feel so down now that I can't put any emphasis on what I'm saying (or... rather typing).
The problem is that, I have this friend who likes an girl (not again! how many times did this happened in my life??? friends can sometimes be so troublesome!) this guy, lets name him "Erick" likes this girl who is also a friend of mine, lets name her "Haylin"...
Actually, like what happened to my cousin, I REALLY DIDN'T KNOW THAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT EACH OTHER. I mean when haylin sent me a message, I didn't know that she was talking about Erick. She wrote that she have a neighbor whom she likes.
As for the guy, Erick, he wrote that he have a new neighbor that he likes.
Uh.. to cut it short I messed it up for both of them. I was talking to a friend of mine (chat-imes) and accidentaly spilled a certain secret.
There was a quarrel going on between the two love birds. I suddenly became a...uh....hmmm.. like a love rhombus or square if you want. Two characters was added. (why can't they just tell it straight to the person???)
Confusing huh?
A misunderstanding was now believed to be true. i guess I really can't tell what happened, just ask me personally. I hope you got the idea. I (accidentally) made the misunderstanding true. Now how am I suppose to tell them that its not true without telling them that I know Erick and Haylin? and without telling them that I know them and all...
Oh.. so confusing.. guess I'm making your head ache more!
Awww.... just approach me ok? I really need some advice.
Monday, February 26, 2007
But I was still thinking of the gift I gave to my Ate last Christmas. Waaaaaaah! We all didn't expect that the twins are both girl! All we know was they should be a boy and a girl. And they should born this March, not February. I think I gotta need to give another gift.... for both girls!
God bless! Our lil' twins! * I luv twins! esp. boy & girl* We'll take care of you! And welcome to the family! ;D
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Now, three of us have our own physical sickness. My lil' sis has rushes on her butt! - lol! My bro has bruise in his thigh and some peeled skin under his feet! - Ek! And I, got some severe cough and a light flu that I even sneeze twice right after I cough hard, then tears started falling from my eyes. Then my mom is getting somewhat wierd for me...Aha! I hope she's always like that! Inspite of her so many problems she's going through right now, she's still showing some affection towards us.
It's ok now for me even though she won't attend in our school's foundation day. Atleast I know that she does care for us. Yeah!
;D Thank you Father!
Monday, February 19, 2007
I remembered the talks Karla and I had in Y.M. She had say about printing accounting that I do not know at all. I asked her what it is. Then our question and answer portion lead to her sermons. She said that why I didn't try to ask anybody when we're in school or I just don't care at all - about sorts of stuff. Then she had also say that I should talk even a little because my mouth is becoming useless. And why I can stand not talking for long hours - I might be deaf that's why. Then some people who are deafs are wishing to talk then I, who has given a voice to hear, do not talk at all. Hahahaha! Lol! Our conversation, I mean her sermons, is so fun! I just laugh, but I'm really can't help myself from laughing.
Yeah! I'm not fun of talking when I do not want to or I haven't anything to say. I talk a lot in the right place at the right time. And I also choose topics where I could say senseful things. I feel embarassed afterwards when I talk senseless things. I better love to listen than to talk. But it doesn't meant that I could not talk at all.
Getting away from the main topic... Ahhhhhh! They should have told me! But I think whether they have told me or not, I couldn't do anything at all. I'm just useless. I may be useless this time but someday I can be more than useful -waha! For now I need to be strong and not show any signs of cowardness or weaknesses, even though I'm just watching them.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I finished already the 40 episodes of The Law of Ueki - 11 more to go! And 9 episodes of Shuffle! - I don't know how many episodes it has. The Law of Ueki bursts my desire and love in having adventures! I love its 'protecting' stuffs! Adventures and protecting...that's me! Shuffle, on the other hand, makes me,,,,um,,,,eh,,,,,aha! I don't know! It's like the Anime, Ichigo 100%!
Accounting attempted me to feel dissolate (uh? wat's dis word?). I mean it tried me to feel uneasy. But luckily I am, I'm not yet recovered from the amusement of these Animes, especially Shuffle (the last Anime I watched).
Karla is so fun! She talks a lot! Even here in Y.M. Lol! Hope that she'll come down especially tomorrow. Hehehehe...
Waha! I hope that I could recover even a little so I could concentrate in reviewing this Geom.
See yah! ;D
Valetines Day??
Well, what happend during Velentines Day was truly memorable. Of course I celebrated it with my family. I gave my parents chocolate bars and to my brothers and sisters are four pieces of kisses chocolate (classic chocolater ung flavor) wrapped in a small box with a big ribbon in it (looks stupid but cute). To my mom's secretary, I gave 10 pieces of kisses chocolate wrapped in a box with a green ribbon in it (naubusan ng red).
My plan seemed to work, but I can't keep this up forever. I was the eldest and I guess the only one that can afford chocolates so I have been giving my parents presents during valentines day, father's and mother's day and also their birthdays.
My brother won't even help me prepare nor lend me even a cent. I guess the least I could for him this year is just, let him go away with it.
Unexpectedly, he ruined that day for the whole family. He's the only son and the only one who will bring our surname. You know how men show their love. Well, I guess there are just types or different ways that they show love.
My brother teases, yep, that's his way but there are times that he just can't control it and doesn't know how to stop. After I gave my presents (well, they didn't give me any but their smiles will do! ^.^) my mom continued watching TV and so did my dad. ( Oh, yeah. My mom was complainning to my dad that time, why he didn't gave any present.) My brother was teasing my youngest sister while mom was watching. Of course who will not get mad when someone shouts while your watching a good show. My mom got pissed off and so my brother was sent to our room.
I was in our room, watching TV too when I suddenly heard my mom scolding my brother for my youngest sister was already crying. Of course I had to do something or the evening will be ruined. What I did was, I went into the living room, said sorry in behalf of him and then dragged him into our room. There I continued scolding him. (Lol)
The TV was still on while I deliver my long speech to irritate his ears and well, to also scold him. When I was about to end becoz my throat is protesting to stop, my brother took the remote and turned the volume to 50%.
I stopped talking and just stared at him giving him a puzzled look. Then a girl was talking on the TV and said,
"Why couldn't you be so understanding? Do you have someone to care for? I did everything to make everyone happy and you ruined it!".
We paused for a while, then started laughing together.
That girl just summarized my speech! After laughing, my brother said, "I'M SORRY SIS".
DoPple - GaNger (mistery)
How would you react when someone suddenly appears then tells you who you are? Someone that knows your deepest and darkest secrets? Someone that frees your past when you have juz locked them up a few years ago.
Yeah, mistery written everywhere.
I dunno who that person was. I just met him in Imesh. Thought he was a friend but now he turns out to be my reflection. I havn't seen his true form for I considered him as an alien. We had laughs when we first chatted for we had the same ideas to talk about. I thought he was my soul mate, but when he said that he knew me, I started to shiver.
I took it as a joke, I challenged him, so asked him if he knows my name, and he answered me:
"Be it a smile or an invitation,
she'll know how to respond."
and below he typed my name...
Scary it may seem but it kinda interests me. I know when I was in grade two or three, I had a male friend for I have a boyish attitude when I was a kid. He have problems on how to talk to the one he admires and he seeks for my advice. I don't know what to say but I did gave him an answer, and yes, the phrase above was my answer.
Must it be him? No, It can't be. He also knows my present not only my past. He knows the name of my friends and what we always do. He knows the times when we skipped classes and the times when we went to the mall.
Who could he be? Is he a friend or a foe?
Is he me?
A friend of mine told me that he might be my dopple-ganger. I asked for the meaning of it and she said that It was someone alike to you and more like you. A person who has your memories, skills and attitudes, in short, a living me (oh....k.. that's confusing.) or another me (yeh, that could work).
Who could he be?
When I ask his name, he answers:
"you know me" and sometimes adds "silly" in the last word.
Hmm... I guess there's an investigating to do.
* He can't be a relative, I never tell anyone my deepest secrets not even my friends.
* He can't be a member of my family, they don't know that I skipped class.
* He can't be my piano teacher, she doesn't know that I go to malls, and she's a SHE.
* He can't be my brother, he also doesn't know that I skipped class and that phrase.
* He can't be my mother's secretary, she has no right to interfere in my life nor know my
secrets. Well, she's a SHE too. I guess that should not count, he could pretend to be a HE.
* He can't be my old friend, he doesn't know Rachel and Roveann.
* hmm.. running out of ideas.
* yep, can't think of another
any ideas? comments? clues? ANSWERS?
Friday, February 16, 2007
lost in my mind...
(wat on earth this song is playing! - My Humps by B.E.P.)
Ok, wat's up? My mind is blocked. I want to think and I think I've got something to tell. But something saying me that I don't need and shouldn't to post it here.
Waaaaaaaaaah! I want to! But I can't! (another scene in my mind) What will I do? wawawa!
(Oh yeah! Cry Me A River Remix!) Cry a river for me! - wahahaha!
Right now, I'm just downloading some widgets...I don't have something to do. I want to watch the Animes they lend me, but my cd-rom was already dead!
hanging? wlang ending?
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Of headaches and failing grades
Anyways... I ruined my thursday morning by waking up 5:00... and knowing that 2 hours to go and I will have my English exams. Do you know why? because I haven't studied yet.
And to add to my sufferings... my mind was blank while answering the exam. Plus, my head was aching and our teacher is telling us to pass our papers (too much pressure to my aching brain.)
That is not the end of it.
After the English exam, I stilll have Physics quiz to worry about.
But thanks to God, I did well in the quiz.
Nevertheless, because of the happiness I felt in the quiz results, my headache came back. It worsen while I study the story 'How my brother Leon brought home a wife' (is the title right?) Furthermore, while doing the quiz, my head really ached. In the end, my score is 0/10 (great right?)
But I still had fun. Even though I gone through all of those - trials (hehehehehehe...) I had fun in playing scrabble. I had fun being with my friends.
I went home happy, momentarily forgotten all the bad things that happened.
Right now, I am now worrying on what to do. Well, I guess, I wasted all my time complaining, that I happen to forgot to thank God to all the grace periods He had given me all these time. Men (I mean women) can be really blind, right?
I know all of the things that is happening around me has a purpose. I know, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, that there is a reason that I opened my account here and typing my entry in the blog. In short, All things have a purpose according to the will of God.
I hope that something good may happen later on. I wish that may God hear my hopeful prayers. Because I am going to need it.
Lord, what is Your plan for me?
"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11
----------------> Guess I don't need a reason to question all of God's doings. He knows what He is doing, right?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
wat da?! lost en messed up...
wat da?! My day today is no good. We had two quizzes and it's all about math! I only answered 3 numbers out of eigth in Adv. Algeb. - waha! lol! And in Adv. Geom, I didn't get the answers with those two numbers - waaah! Both quizzes' answers are all not sure! I can't concentrate that much during Adv. Algeb, it's because of these things! - waha!
- My stomach hurts, even though I didn't feel of going to the c.r. neither I'm hungry nor it's my day. It won't be because of having the feeling of going to the c.r., I did it before going to school! - lol! I may be hungry, but I ate even a little before going to school and I know whether I'm hungry or what. It never be because it's my day, I'm already finished week ago.
- I feel my saliva drooling out - yuck! I mean I feel something blocking my throat - it's saliva! yuck! lol! - and I can't help myself but to cough even though I don't want.
wat da?! All I can say is I lost and messed up myself today.
wat da?! But I think I know the reason. I didn't pray after I woke up nor before going to school. It's just I lost myself to God. I guess, next time I need to wake up early so that I'll have enough time to pray and communicate with my Father.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
play life or not?
We should have gone together in Marikina to meet my grandma (father's side). But I insisted that I'll just follow after an hour. But instead of an hour, it turned into 2 hrs and 30 mins. When we were just in the middle of the game, my mom was keeping on calling on my cell & texted me. I texted back after so many unanswered calls. Finally, we finished our game and answered my mom's call. Of course, what you'd expect? I can't stand her voice and shouting that I even keep a distance between my ear and my cell. But in the end, my mom called me for the last time with calm voice.
Honestly, I don't care whether I'll meet my grandma or not. And especially I don't want to go there at Marikina - so bored! This is the second time I met my grandma again - they said - but for me I think it's the first time. For my bro, it's also the second time - if he remembers; but for my sis, it's the first time. Then after so many talks and singing made by my lil' sis, we finally decided to go home - I was bored! But before we rode bicycles, my bro, my sis and my mom were talking so loud in front of a sari-sari store. I was just walking back and forth in the same direction. They made me little pissed off.
Before we rode a jeep going home, my dad called my mom in her cell. Of course they talked, then my mom handed me her cell so that I could talk to my dad. Whatever! - lol
Then, now, I'm home! (Wat da?!) I was just finished playing Harvest Moon in GBA.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Bang! Beng! Boom! - waha!
First, 3 of us played Command and Conqueror: Generals Zero Hour last Sunday at Netopia - day of preparation for Science Fair. Then Half Life last Monday - Science Fair days.
Now, we're 5 who played Counter Strike near One Shop. Waha! ;D
Parenthood going childhood
Ha, ha, ha! After playing counter strike with my friends, my brother and I went straight to our room so that they won't notice that we were gone. Then we heard my mom and dad fighting.
My mom was once again complaining of my brother riding his bike under the heat of the sun and he might get a dark skin. My dad was getting annoyed for she was starting with the black and white fight of theirs.
"Of course" my mom said. "he idolizes that dark black skin of yours!".
"What?! Haven't you heard the saying 'black is beautiful'" replied my dad.
"Not again. White makes your son handsome you know!"
"White is stupid. It will only prove that you are not filipino."
"and black does?!?"
"Duh! its filipinos natural color!"
"well, white looks clean!"
"What, so dark looks dirty?! Now you're crossing the line!"
"Bring it on! I was already crossing it and your poor eyesight didn't even see it! Oh yeh, because it was POOR!"
"what!! Your mother wears glasses already and bumps her on the window when she's not using it!"
"And what is the connection of my mother to YOU!?"
"hah! oh?! what a stupid reply!"
"Oh.. I guess I put the connection wrong. I was suppose to be her connection to you! Lemme get the plies and some tape so I won't get wrong again!!!"
Yeh, they were shouting but laughing at the same time. I don't even know if I would laugh too or not. I haven't really see them fight like that since I was in grade 6. I was surprised when that happened. Well, it was the same fight they had last week.
15 GOING 5
We were so bored and there are 4 hours left before the dismissal. We decided to go to library to read some books. When we got there, it was locked and we saw the science lab open so we sat there for... maybe 30 mins to wait for the library to open. The first memory that popped into my mind was when we played "taya-tayaan" or "tag" as others call it. We held our exhibit on the science lab. We were bored so we decided to play that game. Nino even suggested to play "bang-sak" and Regine "hide and seek". Yeh, were teens now and I can't belive that we just played that. Yeh we played but after 5 tags we are really exhausted. I guess we are just too old for that game huh?
hahaha! We ran around the lab like children, not even thinking what we were looking like while running. Ras (Roveann) sat in the second round and I have a hunch that she was taking a picture of us, running that time or maybe a video.
I guess it was one of the memories that we will never forget.
Maybe the moral lesson here is that, "be free! and be like a child!" (LoLz!!!)
Nothing Beats First Love ^.^
When a person asks this to you, it's really hard to answer that person straight. Well, it depends if you trust that person the most. It's really hard to forget the person who first caught your heart especially the moments you both shared. Even if you tell your heart that its over, it just keeps telling you that you once loved that person.
Who is your first love??
Everything's I'm about to say are based on my experience and NoT my story (juz clearing that). When we see our first love pass us by, we just can't take our eyes off that person. When we hear rumors about that person, we just can't control ourselves and pretend that we didn't hear anything. Sometimes even if we tell our friends that we don't like the person, it still hurts if they say that he/she had another person with him/her. Why?
A friend of mine loved a certain boy. Two years passed and she saw the boy dating another girl. It really hurt her a lot. She locked herself up on her room, and there she curled up and cried for almost a week. Yah, for those who don't understand what she was feeling, would think that that was a stupid idea. Others might say that "why didn't she told the guy her feelings?". Well, she already did that five times but the boy only thought of it as a joke.
Before the NCAE, while having our review, she confronted the girl whom the boy she likes dated. She told her that she once loved that boy and she still do. The girl just smiled and listened to what was the teacher teaching. Why? It still hurts for her. She was trying to ignore her feelings but it just won't hold back.
Who is your first love??
C'mon, everyone had their first love, even my little sister. There was once a white american boy who lives near our house. On the contract, he is not my little sister's first love but the second. Anyway, he's name is Talyn (ta-lin) and my little sister's name is roselyn (rose-lin). They are a good match and a perfect couple, and they're friends! Their last meeting was near november (i think), Talyn's birthday. They celebrated his birthday and then on the next day, they left. Well, my sister did not cry, I guess she was so confident that they might see each other again. I can't forget the smile of Talyn's parents. I think they agree's for their pairing. "Too bad, if only I came home earlier, we might have know each other well" was Talyn's mother last long sentence.
Who is your first love??
You can't ask me for you already know mine and I already know yours. Yah, He is our first love and We are his. Nothing can break that love even satan. Satan are just doing tricks so that we will be blinded and break the chain between us and Him. That love will not fade away but if we continually push Him away, it juz might be. Others just wasted time for loving another person. We should learn to love God before we give our heart to another. Only God will approve if that person is the right person for us and he always gives the best for us.
How about you, Who is your first love?? your second?? third??
You know there was a pastor who told us that his first, second, third, fourth and fifth love was God and his sixth was his wife. Isn't he amazing??
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
The staring game!
Today, her lessons with her tutor ended early and she got some energy left so we decided to play a little game. We usually play it when she was 4 yrs. old.
So let the game begin!!!!
- you must look at your opponent's eyes. If you lose contact, you LOSE!
- you must not laugh until the given time ends, the one that laughs before the time LOSES!
- you must not speak! Of course the one who does loses! But you can smile... ^.^ and you can't open your mouth...
- you are free to move, jump, stretch or dance around to make your opponent laugh.
- never blink your eyes until the time ends.
The time given: 35 secs.
Referee: Roselle (my second to the youngest sister. note: I am the eldest, Kevin is the second, Roselle is the third and Roselyn, my opponent, is the youngest.)
The game started. I stared at her and she, to me. It was intense and everything was serious. 20 seconds had passed, still no one gave a laugh. I thought of a plan for everything that I did failed. Suddenly, and idea popped into my mind.
I raised my hand and started waving it. She gave no reaction. I then started waving it faster and gave her a fierce look. Suddenly she gave me a smile. I smiled too (for victory).
And she laughed! She laughed like a pig! When I heard it, I started laughing too! Still, I had the point.
I had the first round in control, and now I have to get this round to win! We stared at each other again as if there was nothing interesting to see around us that we are making a fool of ourselves. I repeated what I did in the first round. She did not laugh but gave a mysterious smile. I started doing stupid and crazy things like making different statues using my hair, but she did not laugh. She just smiled and stayed still and yes, that was SCAAARYY!
After 15 secs she did not move nor did anything to make me laugh, but after 30 secs, she started dancing around. I was surprised, and totally losing control. I did not expect of her dancing like that for that was really different from the way she dances before.
In this round she won.
Its a tie so far. We have to give our best to win! This round started after an hour of laughing. I just can't be serious for a second. I can't forget that hilarious and stupid dance of hers. She was dancing with her hands on the air and her face with a frown. I hope you can imagine. It's like a monkey dance, modern and a cultural mixed together. Uhh... nevermind.
No one laughed for 30 seconds. If we don't make our opponents laugh, it will be a draw and all our hard work will go to waste.
3 secs left until the time ends when my only brother, kevin, entered the room. He entered with that annoying rap of his. He went in front of us and started rapping. He made an eye to eye contact to both of us (alternately) and made the both of us laugh.
he rapped repeatedly saying:
yo, yo, yo, ang gwapo gwapo ko!
wala nang tatalo sa kagwapuhan ko!
gwapito o pogito man ang itawag nyo,
ganun pa rin yon, ang gwapo gwapo ko!
yo, yo yea, yea, check, checkit out, break it down!!
yah! uh-huh!
and his ending:
yo yo gwapit-toh!
I really don't know who was the one he hired for that terrible song of his, but the gud part was spending time with my brother and sisters.
(don't try this at home. It will give you a stomach ache!)
RESULT: its a draw... uhu-uhu
Sunday, February 04, 2007
work, work, work!
It's already 2:42 a.m. I had a hard time doing the accounting homework, for I forgot that the deadline is before 12:00 a.m. and I didn't start anything yet. I used the jpeg format because my excel is not working. I've already made up 30 3D glasses.
Ok, it's already late. I gotta go! ;D
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Full swing! (My favorite present frm the sky!)
Since I came back from JS Camp, something really changed! I dunno if it's the paper burning, the sessions or the devotions but... Something really changed me in that camp.
I was writting a story entitled "I'am my mother's angel". Well, I stopped writting since December for that was the month when I got loaded with problems, family, school, friends, projects... sigh..
Well, that's long ago but when I started realizing that everything was turning out to be good with me and my family, I seems that I would really love to continue that story. It was supposed to be a sad story but... oh well..
Anywayz, it's about me and my family, like a diary perhaps. I was planning on giving it as a gift to my cousin and a special friend of mine from nowhere (not barney ok! and its no imaginary friend!). Well, she was a childhood friend of mine. Well, I gave myself a deadline and it was Febuary 14, 2007 [ok, major deja vu here! -nvm- (~.~")].
I think it was one of those presents from the sky... If it was one, well, this is my favorite! hehe..
I was wondering if I accidentaly took an angel with me from that trip. If I did, I hope that angel will never leave! or else, my life will turn back into a pumpkin!
"Rumors" - To interfere or not?
I also hate it when rumors are starting to puzzle your mind. When rumors are starting to spread and give you news which make you wonder and juz electrifies you until your in ashes.
What if a rumor spreads and it gives a bad news to your friend. Will you interfere or not?
It's been bugging my mind since I heard about it. I just don't want that person to get hurt even though we are not that close, but my mind just keeps asking me that question. I don't want her to get hurt, but you are not living if you don't get scrapes and bruises along the way, right?
To interfere or not?
Yeah, every second of our life is planned by our master. Maybe its just a lesson for her, for her to learn from that mistake. To know that it's to "guard your heart and not follow your heart". It's starting to confuse me...
To intefere or not?
What really is it?
There are points on each side,
I just can't decide!
What? One of the good ways to protect her is to pray for her. To pray for guidance from the above, for her to have a helping hand and a guiding hand on the way.
Yeah, maybe it's the right thing to do, right?
Well, if you don't agree then let's hear your opinion and answer...
Are you going to intefere or not? (Explain your answer)
Friday, February 02, 2007
your will...
It's been 3 days that he begun to be quiet and showed some low energy. Yesterday afternoon, I heard from our helper that Chubby is going to die soon. She got that info from the first owner of the puppy because she and my lil' sister went to the first owner's house to ask something. Right after I heard that thing, I prayed at our asotea for about 5 minutes looking at the sky.
Yesterday evening, I went downstairs to get some food and water. Chubby was already sleeping inside tha house. Last night when Chubby was already ill, I checked him outside and called him. He went to me but not as fast as he used to be - he's now just walking. He then laid his head at my foot and embraced my feet.
And last night before I went to sleep, I prayed again. But I included once more that, 'Let your will be done.'
This morning while I'm in the c.r., my lil' sis was already awake. And I heard our helper told my sis that Chubby was already dead. My lil' sis cried but only soft. I know that she can overcome it easily because she's a strong girl.
I have imagine Chubby playing with angels in heaven.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Limit? Limit?
*nod* *nod*
I'm sorry. I know it's hard for you.
Yeah, I know the feeling.
I know how they can be
and I know how I can be
"Growee" was the code given. I guess we underestimated our classmates. We forgot how high their IQ can get. Yes, there are others. That Mr. Oh! so full of cuteness, I havn't forgotten what you told me. I know we both can't see that so called cuteness in him but I forgot why we picked him for teasing. Of course they are others. Other's like that childhood friend of yours and that guy with a weird surname (clue: when we add it to yer RMA, it ends with T! umm, I guess u don't understand huh?)
Yeah, sorry. Very sorry. ~.~"
Like what happened yesterday, When I started being quiet, I guess it juz means that I want to stop that joke. I also hate it when you guyz tease me with that 2 lettered guy. Yeah, its ok if it roams around juz inside the group, but I also hate it when you shouts his name and your eyes are looking straight at me. sigh...
At least yours had a code name...
Sometimes I wonder how regine does it. I mean, when we tease her, I dosn't affect her. Well, she also throws an insult back but...
You know...
When we tease onin, he suddenly walks away and ignores whatever you say to him. But there are times that he just rides with it.
mental note: do be like regine, control your mood swings..
sigh... I don't get it! Do u?
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
number ten
- We missed Mam Timog for my 10 pesos.
- The VVEH tricycle driver cheated us. He has gotten my 10 pesos. I thought I need to pay but Rosy already paid up for 4 of us. We didn't recognize the number. We tried to chase him, but he's too fast for us. - of course! lol
- My 10 pesos load has been eaten by the Smart network. It was happened right after we encountered the tricycle driver. I tried to txt my mom to report this driver, but the message has failed sending.
Waaaaah! I'm so unlucky with number 10!
Gud thing: I've gotten back my 10 pesos from Mam Timog. Waha!
Hey! Money is so hard to get these days! Lol
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
know your limit...
All of you guys! pls. know your limitation...
You don't know when I'm going to be pissed off. When that thing happens, expect that I won't answer you anymore.
P.S. Sorry for all the limits I extended for. Let me know if it's enough. I'll try to stop myself - self-control is my weakness, you know.
wrecked door
I'm cd-rom is keep on opening and closing! - like a wrecked door! I don't know what to do. I've already tried restarting my pc and shutting it off for so long, but nothing changes after I opened it again.
I hope somebody out there can help me out...Please! I'm begging you! Help me!!!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
It's ok. Tomorrow will be a serious day - day for studies even though I'm at home! We need to review for our PT in BRS on Monday. We also have homework and GR in English also on Monday. Wat da?! I thought I could now enjoy my life, now that we're about to graduate.
just playing...
It's ok for I won in the Swimming Festival for the first time in the very first year of my playing. I didn't expect it. I thought I just placed second, but I'm not!
Ok, I need to go home. Even though I lost, I enjoyed it. I didn't expect to fight in the 3rd round. That's the blessings!
I think I'll end up my game when it's already 10:00 p.m. Hehehehe...
Friday, January 26, 2007
an ordinary day to be...
Not much lessons. Woah! We have our new teacher in English this 4th Quarter. Actually she's not new to us for she's been our teacher in English when we're in 2nd yr. But most students know her as a very strict teacher. I mean you will be challenge everyday!
That's it! ;D
Thursday, January 25, 2007
let da paper be burnt...
But I didn't get the look I received yesterday while we're having the activity in the auditorium. I don't understand. Is that person expecting me to give a 'paper heart'? (looks like the title of a song, Paper Heart by All-American Rejects - lol). Hope it's not that the reason. When that person looked at me, I just turned my head to the left trying to avoid the looks. Pls. don't expect me, I might fail to give it. Pls. just forgive me if you didn't receive any from me, 'coz I tried but failed. Ok, ok, enough is enough. It was all done! ;D
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
nothing much...
I just finished up watching 'Nana Live-Action', borrowed from Rachel.
Friday, January 19, 2007
I think there are things I wanted to say. I guess there so many that most of it were forgotten to post.
Ok, let's just start today. Or I may say what I feel today.
- I want to sleep. But my mind doesn't want to.
- Just before going home - sick! - I heard something. I don't want to remember it no more!
- And plus! After I had finish taking the test in Filipino and I'm about to review for Adv. Algeb, I hate what I heard!
- It's connected yesterday, when I was reviewing with Zyra at Rosy's chair. Waaaaah! I really hate to hear those things!
Aw! I know that truth always sets us free. But what if truths will cage our happiness?
What do you prefer?
a.) you see everyone's happy but you're lonely. you sacrifice your happiness for the sake of others' happiness
b.) you're happy but there are people who is not. people will just forget their happiness for you.
Do you watch 'Abt ur luv' in Star Magic Presents in ABS-CBN every Saturday? It's somewhat related to one's 'happiness'. ;D
It's just give and take. Or I may say a battle that only one is a true winner. One must lose for the win of the other.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Frozen - I don't understand
A person can't understand others unless he understands himself."
Why? I really don't understand. I hope someone could stop me for I've already ran around in circles until I could run no more. I can't undersand everyone, my family , my cousins, even my friends. Is there something I'm looking for? Or maybe there's juz something wrong with me.
Yes. Something's wrong with me.
Like wrath, I am lost. Like lust, I need someone. Like sloth, I am no one. Like gluttony, I am hungry. Like greed, I want to be free. Like pride, I want to be someone. Like envy, I want revenge.
I don't understand.
To an old granny I asked, "what could possibly a person need?" then she answered, "false teeth ofcourse!". To a rich bastard I asked the same question and he answered, "money!" and then he laughed. This time I asked a teenager the same question and she answered "love". Love... Is that what a person need? That answer of hers consumed my mind. Love? what love?
I was walking back home from "oneshop" when I accidently bumped a little girl on the way. She was posting something to the bulletin board near the shop. I didn't bother to check what she was posting, I left after saying sorry.
"wait" she called out and then pointed at the paper she posted. I know what she was trying to say but, I just don't care what she posted there so I just gave it a glance.
"wait" she called out again and then gave me a look words cannot explain. I asked why but she gave no reply. Once again, I don't understand. I asked her the question I was asking to those strangers I met. Then she gave a different answer. Her answer was "God".
Eh? God? God? hmm.. God!
How could I? How could I neglect my creator, my master, my father, my everything! how! I'm so stupid, ignorant, ashamed.
Yes. Ashamed, so ashamed.
I began thinking, thinking straight again. I began to see, seing everything. My heart, it was beating. Beating.. beating.. beating...
My life... my life was frozen.
That little girl. She gave me that answer. How could a little girl be so smart than the others? How did she know that I was like... frozen. How did she know that I was looking for an answer? Or is it a coincidence. Her calls, does she really want me to look at the paper she posted?
I have to go there, back to that bulletin board. I have to go there and satisfy my curiosity.
There...In the paper she wrote...
"has anyone seen my parents?"
well, it was a true story... I just wanna clear that. I showed it to a friend of mine from a different country but she just laughed at me. She's my cousin and my friend, she always laughs at me so I guess it's normal. hahaha! LoL
the "granny" I asked was the one who sell "balot" near the tricycle terminal.
the "rich bastard"? he's from school. I didn't ask my classmates on purpose, I guess... Well you know how a pilot student's answer can be! hehehhe...(don't ask me why bastard, you already know!)
the "teenager"? yup! she's from school too.
the "little girl"?
well, she's our neighbor, my little sister's bestfriend and...
the one who melted that stupid ice. She's ok now. I guess... but still looking for them. She just can't accept the fact that her parents will never come back. Unfortunately, even alchemy can't return them!
oh yeah, regine reminded me of FMA so... they're there! hahaha! please don't bewildered!
and "me"? I still don't understand...I still don't understand that she answered that question so good! LoL!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
All About Sheckler...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
too insensitive...
Why am I just ignoring the things that are already said many times to me? (Am I becoming confusing?)
I didn't know that there is a conflict between my mom and my big sister. I guess I know it but didn't recognize. Or am I just swallowed completely by my being 'pretender'? - swallowed until it's now a normal thing to me and end up 'too insensitive'.
Waaaaaaaaaaaah! I'm still in the process...
I hate every single thing I've done wrong!!! I don't want to study no more!!! I don't want to work no more!!! I don't want to live no more!!! I want to go now in heaven!!! (exaggerating...lol)
But anyway, I need to wait...
Bye! Gotta need to review for tomorrow $%#@ test. - wahahahaha! Lol
P.S. Rosy, nahulaan mo na ung password mo? Gus2 mo tulungan kita? sabihin mo sakin ung mga possible passwords mo? - hehehehe
Monday, January 15, 2007
But I should stay to myself. I'll do my best not to be buried deeply in school. These weird smiles and looks I've seen are just normal - especially their calls. I don't think that they've just done something wrong to me. Or they've just discovered something about me that may turn into a big controversy. Haha! Whatever it is, I don't care!
Honestly, I do like it. But it will just take me away again from my family - I guess.
Ok, bye! I need to study and review again my lessons for tomorrow tests.
Remember what I've said. "Don't be hooked up." ;D
Thursday, January 11, 2007
How could I love adventures if I didn't know how to be happy?
You can easily recognize whether a person is a lonely person or a happy person just within his face. You may see me become quiet while conversing, it's because I'm thinking of something or I just forgot what to say.
Whether you believe it or not, I'm fun of thinking deeply. I'm fun of thinking and planning about things - whatever my mind takes me to. And sometimes, take it into sketches. Just like most of my profiles I've written, I said that "I have an absorbed interests" especially when I'm in an excellent mood. It means 'trying out new things'.
Key: Basta masaya, exciting at new, whatever it is - may be a good idea, kalokohan or even sometimes bad - I'm always game!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
what's up? Argh...
Argh... I don't understand. When it comes to hanging out or going to mall, everybody is game. When it comes to anything that aren't so important, everybody is present. So why when it comes to serious things like project, everybody isn't available. Argh...
Yeah! I know that vacation should enjoy to the most. But there are things to finish up and prepare now. I don't want to scram especially when the deadline is near. I'm not that kind of person. I want to enjoy the time in waiting for presentation while the other groups are just starting preparing. But I know that all groups have already prepared their presentation. Argh...
I know that some people are so busy with their jobs - assigned by their parents or self jobs. But try to set up your schedules. Every person values their time, so please also value the time of others.
I don't want to be your enemy. I understand your reasons. But do also your best to cope it up even for once.
I've always gotten a fight or misunderstanding with my mom every time I'm telling her that we'll have projects to do and I need to go. Kung ako lang, di na q aalis eh. I better love to stay at home.
Argh... It's so hard to balance the time for family and studies. I'm always stealing a time in family just for studies. But I'm still not good at school. Argh...
But after all these things, my '07 wish will soon come true, maybe not now but someday - a family picture.
;D see yah!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
author's comment
it was my first time i got there so im like an alien there, hahaha! Or maybe not...
anywayz, hope u'll have a great year this year!
Oh yeh, and so sorry bout not going to ur house!- special message.. lol
and i really don't wanna hear that song again, it reminds me of what happened today. Oh well, see ya!
the world outside
I dunno if I should post this but, I juz want it out of my mind. I wanna share it though and I hope you'll learn somtin’ from this. hehehee...
I woke up exactly 12 pm in the afternoon. I saw my mom getting ready for her appointment this afternoon. She asked me if I’m still going to my friends house for she's hoping I could go with her. Well, I wanted to go with her but I told her that going to my friend’s house is kinda important and it's for our group project. She then juz nodded and took off.
I left past 1:00 and was running for I am So0o0o late. I rode a jeep going "tay-tay" and then waited for the jeep to arrive to Village East - where my friend lives. The radio was switched to a certain channel and the song was "I write sins not tragedies" by panic at the disco. It reminded me of a certain happening and a certain anime (oh yeh, did I mention that I’m an anime addict?-Lolz).
My mind was so caught up by the song that I forgot to check if I’m in village east already. When the song ended, my mind was still swirling around my head and when I realized that I was the only one left in the jeep, I looked outside. I then realized that I’m lost and also stupid-lol.
I asked the driver the location and he said that we're already in "tay-tay". I should’ve screamed but I’m not that kind of person. I can tell that the driver knows that I’m lost but I was too freaked out to let him help me (well that's stupid).
I stopped by a gas station and started walking where I think is the right direction back home. I don't have my cell and the only thing that's with me is 100 pesos and a pencil-I really dunno why I have that pencil.
I guess she figured out that I was lying and found out that I was lost. She gave me a ride home. I asked her how, and she said that she saw me walking back and forth in front of the church, saw me ask the guard, and saw me being chased by a dog. We then burst out laughing and then I remembered who she was. She was my childhood friend and church mate. She moved in tay-tay 8 years ago. We used to have those laughs when we were little so I remembered. It was her brother who gave those biscuits and her father was the one who decided to give me a lift home.
Monday, January 01, 2007
I do like it but shouldn't...
Actually I dream of my classmates with so many activities in school - but that's not the thing! The nightmare is, it included a person that I shouldn't meet of. It's kinda ok to meet that person in my dream, because it's normal. But the weird thing is that person is included in all the activities in my dream - I mean that @#$% person is a cast in every scene. Whatever! Anyway, that person does not know anything about this. - aha - lol.
@#$% - I just putted it into signs 'coz I don't know what to type. - lol - I don't know if I'll use my common expressions which are 'stupid' and 'sick'. Try to think of it if I putted either of these words in that signs, uh? - hahahaha - lol
Just like what I said, I putted out here whatever my heart and my mind lead me to. lol
Great! 2007!
I slept 3 a.m. - I guess. I experienced great miracles this early morning (around bet. 1:30-2:45). - hehehe. When both hands of the clock stroke 12, I prayed. I saw stars in the sky right after I said straight up to the sky, "I love you God! or Thank you God!". Because that time, black smokes filled the sky and I can't even see any stars. But I hoped and believed that stars will show up. And when I'm about to go inside I said this last phrase while looking in the sky. Then clouds went away and I saw a star. Then stars started showing up again. Great, isn't?
Ok, see ya! May this year be a blessing to you and me!