
Personal Goals
Furbabies vaccine completion - In-progress (Target Oct 2020)
Master in Management completion in APC - In-progress (Target Nov 2021)
Master of Project Management / Master of Project and Program Management admission in UoS - Planned (Winter 2021)
PP's B&B Inn Lot - Planned (Target June 2021)

Travel Goals
Batanes, Australia, Iceland, Switzerland, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Russia

"Focus on your goals."

I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

nothin' much


its vacation and I'm feelin' bored.

nothing to do..

"nothing to do", this phrase is so troublesome. When my mom heard me say this, she made me clean my room. I started cleaning 4 days ago and until now, im not yet done though my room is not that big to clean. Its because of the school papers. I need to sort em out including my brother's.

In my portfolio, I usually leave some drawings there and some papers that holds some special memories. For example, the papers we used when we note pass. Some are my friend's drawings. Speaking of that, I saw Nino's drawing, the comic one. Well, I forgot to return it to him and I'm supposed to return it while we were at JS Camp. LoL

I saw my school bag and its full of trash. Geez, I can't remember when I last cleaned it. Full of candy wrappers, "tasa ng lapis", crumbled papers, junk food wrappers and other trash.


I just don't find cleaning enjoying. U know what I mean?

Then, my brother discovered some online game called endless online. If u wanna check it out, it web is www.endless-online.com.

I kinda got hooked up playing that game. Sometimes I would spent 5 hours playing it. There I met only few filipinos and some filipinos built a guild. They named it "Pinoy Deathlock Academy" or "PDA".

Back to reality, I heard my mom talking to my auntie on the phone. I was trying to ask my mom if I could eat the "wiggles" on ref. That time my mom forbids me to eat sweets. Juz don't ask why, mothers sometimes when they feel like to be strict, they just do. Poor me huh?

Anywayz, I heard that my auntie is coming together with her office mates on tuesday (NOW!). It was a week before when I heard it, and so there came our one week of CLEANING! This is sooo a punishment for being a bad girl.

In addition to that, our computer got wrecked last 5 days and got repaired yesterday. It really was my little sister's fault! She just won't admit it.

And so here I am, typing after playing 2 hours of endless online.

oh yea, if u wanna add me, my character's name is Priimula.

Gud luck to all my classmates, I hope ur all having the best time of your life!!!!



oh yea, and no ones posting recently specially in gardez

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