
Personal Goals
Furbabies vaccine completion - In-progress (Target Oct 2020)
Master in Management completion in APC - In-progress (Target Nov 2021)
Master of Project Management / Master of Project and Program Management admission in UoS - Planned (Winter 2021)
PP's B&B Inn Lot - Planned (Target June 2021)

Travel Goals
Batanes, Australia, Iceland, Switzerland, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Russia

"Focus on your goals."

I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13

Monday, July 08, 2024

I entrust everything to You

God, I surrender everything to you. You know what's best for me. Even though I like and want something for my life, I know I cannot have it if it's not destined for me to have it. Your plans are absolute.

In my financial stability, you know what will happen next. How can I pay the loan used for Seataoo investment, what business or other source of income I should try, etc

In my love life, I don't really know who's the woman of my prayers. Whether I've already met her or not yet. As much as I want someone to be my "person of till death do us apart", it may not as it really depends on you. You know my heart fully well, but I trust you 100%. I don't want to push things anymore, 'cause it's only hurts me.

In my mom's well being, I already raise her unto you. Please continually heal her so that she can go back to walking/running normally again. Please keep her health in good shape, especially her heart. May she live longer, for another 20-30 years so that she can still meet the woman I'm going to marry and have a family with.

God, I lift everything up to you. I surrender everything back to you. Please heal my broken heart. I don't know when I'll achieve peace in my life.

Please give me a heart of discernment to know what choices I should take in my life. Choices that will lead me to happiness and peace. Keep me away from people that will only hurt or cause me pain.

Thank you for everything. I love you.

In Jesus' name, amen!

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