If it's gonna be true. Then I got no choice but to just accept it no matter how huge I am against it. 
What I acquire yesterday.. Though it makes really no sense because they're literally just wants..
(Back to the main topic..)
What am I gonna do? My dream of studying MBA in London might be like just a bubble.
I love kids. But producing of these without plan makes me watever. You know what I mean.
I'm a very concerned human being. Though no matter how hard I'm convincing myself that I am not compulsory to help them,
I still do because I'm a human being. I'm selfless too. I know myself.
If someone really needs my help, he'll/she'll voice it out or not, I'm still goin' to help.
I'm a concerned human being. That's how God created me--to be sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of others.
If it will gonna be really true, my Plan B is to ask/plead for my auntie's sponsorship for my Masters.
I'll say that I'll pay them back after I have graduated and have a high-paying job.
I gotta really study hard to have a exemplary high-paying job. Then I'll work hard to be rich.
After that, there'll be no more problem about helping people around me--'cause I'm already rich.
About myself and my future life, specifically having my own family?
Nah! I don't know. With the things happening to people around me make me not to think about such things anymore.
Let all these things be unto Him. Let your will Thy be done, Oh God. 
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