God smiles when we obey wholeheartedly...
At last, I've read Daily Hope by Rick Warren--and it's two! Haha. I miss reading and meditating His words thru a pastor's teaching.
I gotta obey Him, not partially, but fully. For all my plans and future decisions in life, He's the center and source of it.
I'll faithfully follow His command though sometimes I couldn't understand the most of the things happening around me--whether ideas popped into my mind came from Him or what.
In return, I'll just keep quiet for a moment and pray. Asking Him if it's His will or some enemies are just whispering in my ears.
I woke up early, 'round 9am. Watched a movie with Rhea--SNSD Hello Baby too!
Prepared the things before goin' to dorm. Mom really take good care of me--and so with dad. Though fathers don't wanna show up their true affections to their children b'cause they gotta show some strong personality. I guess it's already a trend to all fathers since the Earth has born. Hahaha! XD
I got some time with Aaron. I played with him for few minutes while I'm not doin' anythin' yet. Haha.
Now after I arrived at dorm, I started doin' school-related stuffs. Haha. Guess, this is the only time I can do any school-related activities--away from home. Haha. At home, I don't know why I haven't enough time for studies. XD I guess I was just too busy havin' fun with my family.
I don't even have a load during the weekends--even left my phone at home when I went out on Saturday. XD (Until now, don't have load... -_-") XD
Bbye! Got to shut this laptop down. Time for transferring my notes to my notebook. Haha! Sayonara!
At last, I've read Daily Hope by Rick Warren--and it's two! Haha. I miss reading and meditating His words thru a pastor's teaching.
I gotta obey Him, not partially, but fully. For all my plans and future decisions in life, He's the center and source of it.
I'll faithfully follow His command though sometimes I couldn't understand the most of the things happening around me--whether ideas popped into my mind came from Him or what.
In return, I'll just keep quiet for a moment and pray. Asking Him if it's His will or some enemies are just whispering in my ears.
I woke up early, 'round 9am. Watched a movie with Rhea--SNSD Hello Baby too!
Prepared the things before goin' to dorm. Mom really take good care of me--and so with dad. Though fathers don't wanna show up their true affections to their children b'cause they gotta show some strong personality. I guess it's already a trend to all fathers since the Earth has born. Hahaha! XD
I got some time with Aaron. I played with him for few minutes while I'm not doin' anythin' yet. Haha.
Now after I arrived at dorm, I started doin' school-related stuffs. Haha. Guess, this is the only time I can do any school-related activities--away from home. Haha. At home, I don't know why I haven't enough time for studies. XD I guess I was just too busy havin' fun with my family.
Bbye! Got to shut this laptop down. Time for transferring my notes to my notebook. Haha! Sayonara!
Grandia Vrualg
Grand M0nde
Earth, Solar System
Grand M0nde
Earth, Solar System