Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Thoughts about eLoveLetter

Yesterday, I sent eLoveLetter to チャ. And a pahabol now. 😁


She didn't say anything when I told her yesternight I sent her email. She just said, "Nabasa ko na." 😅

My latest eLetter is true. Overthinking can kill us. Sometimes, life wants us to take risks and be adventurous.

I mentioned in the eLetter that "I cannot wait forever." Realistically, it's true. When someone says "I can wait for you forever", s/he is already lying 5-10%. Nobody knows what will happen. And people get tired at some point when they recognize their efforts are not being appreciated nor reciprocated. Because it's not making sense anymore. Only martyr or battered people do love pain more than happiness.


Since my life is changing and I am changing, I can say that I can now be more open to opportunities. Accepting and exploring them with a grateful heart and mind. I don't wanna shut down any ideas. I am still a big risk taker and adventurous anyway. I've already lost a lot, what else to lose? 😁


On Aug 25th, I am officially 3month single. And this time, I should be already ready to meet new friends. And maybe, start dating? (the Western way) 😆😂 Let's see. But I bet having new friends than start dating. 😝😆

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You can say anything you want, but say it nicely. =D