Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Work life balance 😱

I took an SL today. I didn't want to but my lead and my manager advised me to.

I need complete physical recovery. P&L week is just around the corner and I need to be there for my team.

Before signing out, I made last "bilins" and did some small tasks. I also moved my stand-up meeting with my devs to tomorrow. Piotr is a capable resource and he doesn't need to be micromanaged. 😉 I'm thankful he is one of our developers. 😁

Kai, on the other hand, volunteered to lead the P&L checkpoint I set today. I told her I might not be able to join as I will rest and sleep. As time passes by, Kai is becoming more and more independent. Not too soon, she'll be able to lead both P&L towers with confidence. 😁 And when that time comes, I will have a lighter load. 😆 I will now be able to put more time to my 1PMP PM role and Finance Lead role. 😊

In time, everything will go into its right and perfect place. So help me God. 🙏

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