/rōv/ (v) travel constantly without a fixed destination; wander. (n) a journey, especially one with no specific destination; an act of wandering.
Monday, December 28, 2020
1st Out-of-town Trip
The moment I saw her again, I recognized that she became bigger. 😆
We've been together from Dec 20-24. Made most of our time together. She spent Christmas eve with her family and relatives.
Then Dec 26, I went to fetch her from her aunt's house and had a quick date.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Might be
Everyone has their own Robin,the person that you love so much but can't be with. The person that stole your heart but left you wondering what did you do wrong...
When Ted met Robin and started to get to know her,she was nothing like the girl of his dreams, she fears commitment, hate kids,doesn't share the same interests as Ted's
But when he met Tracy the perfect girl for him that has it all, she wasn't enough,because Robin was always the right one for Ted no matter how different they are.
Because love doesn't make sense! You can't logic your way into or out of it. Just don't try to search for the person who shares the same interests as you because whoever you'll meet whatever you'll do, you'll always find your way back to the person who stole your heart, the person that gives you butterflies when you're around, the person that will drive you crazy enough to steal a blue French horn or to travel the world just to get a locket...
At the end you'll always find yourself going back to your Robin...
R.A writings
#lovestory #lovenotes #lovequotes #romanticcouples #howimetyourmother #howimetyourmotherquotes #hernotes
Carol looks perfect for me. She seems like my right person. I wanna treasure her and be with her, hoping till the end.
But might be Cha is my Robin. 😆 Nevertheless, we are still good friends and a family, will always be.
Saturday, December 12, 2020
My precious little sister
Awhile ago, Cha visited to get the 2 balikbayan boxes that contain books and kitchen stuff. I also gave the last documents (I think) she had in me.
She played with Venice and Riri. Api was also very excited to see her. Looking at her, she's still the jolly and nice Cha I've known. May she stay happy and healthy. 😊
I pray that we stay as family and bestfriends forever. ☺️
Wednesday, December 09, 2020
Random Random
What if I was really the villain to the love story of Cha and Jake? What if they are really in love with each other? What if I didn't fight for Cha last year? Do you think they will still be together now? And do you think, Carol and I are already celebrating our first year anniversary this year?
Last year, Cha and Jake were in love with each other. I was madly in love with Cha. I didn't know that Carol was secretly liking me. I really looked like a villain! 😳😅
God, what have I done... 🥺 I was really immature back then. 😕
Anyway, past is past. I've learned hard lessons from my past shortcomings. And I should be wary with my actions next time.
I should take care of Carol. I don't wanna lose another one. "Happy wife, happy life."
On the other side, Cha is my precious little sister. I'll be a caring and loving older sibling for her.
I was at the gym when I found this out. Initial reaction, I was flattered. Because she used to tell me that she hated someone like me - Libra. Never thought that someone out there was actually prayed for me. I used to pray that Cha would be my "till death do us part" until August when I finally woke up and realized my worth - that I deserve someone who can fight for me and is faithful. When we were still together, I felt like na parang ako yung kabit at kailangan ko makipag-compete sa kanila. 🙁 Good thing I don’t have to feel that anymore with my love. She knows that I get jealous sometimes and she does things that will avoid to let me feel it.
Then friendship with my love blossomed. Actually, she was the one who made the first moves. She wanted us to be official couple ASAP. Though I initially told her that we should wait until we meet in person again, I asked her to be my girlfriend last October. She thought about it for few days. And finally said "yes" day after my birthday.
May she really be my right person. I will do my best to be the right person for her. So help us God.
By the way, I played many games earlier 'cause it's holiday today. 😁 And I think, my impulsiveness took over - bought couple of clothes from Yesstyle. 😆😅
Friday, December 04, 2020
I chose you and will choose you
But then, I don't know what happened next. Told her I don't wanna fight with her and we're just in a discussion even though she didn't know I'm already pissed.
Now, I'm still in love with her. Told you, I'm not everyday in love with her. We didn't had video call for few days already.
She's having an internal battle. I can sense that she needs some time alone, to re-think about her life. I assured her that I will just be here supporting her. As much as I want to see her and hug her tightly, I still couldn't do it. The current situation doesn't permit us yet. Told her that I will do my best to serve my queen.
Love, don't be anxious about the future. So what if we don't have a house yet of our own? Our time will soon arrive. Just be patient, stay strong, and keep on striving for our personal goals. Wherever you want to live and settle down, I'll be okay with it. I chose you and will choose to stay with you till the end. For our future kids and our family, let's do our best! I love you my love.
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Circle of Influence First!
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Very busy work week 😅
30 days of proactivity
I'll apply to it my work and personal life. I'll see what will happen. Start with my Circle of influence - myself and within.
So help me God.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Love’s birthday and monthsary
The surprises I prepared for my love - bouquet + balloon, pizza, lasagna, and strawberry cake. 😁
It’s not only her birthday we celebrate but our 1st monthsary.
Kahit na lumulobo na sya sa mga pakain ko 😆😅, she’s still my only one. A wife material. I’m lucky for having her. 😊
God, I’m not 100% sure yet but seems like she’s my right person. May we stay together committed through thick and thin. And I want to be the right person for her. So help us God.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Commitment is more than a feeling
And I could say, "baka nga di committed sakin yung ex ko nun".
Commitment is more than a feeling. It's more than being in love. You will never feel in love everyday to your partner. It needs effort and have shared goals.
It's never to late to love again. Now, I am committed to my love, Carol. I would love to spend the rest of my life with her.
I am so lucky I met the mature Carol and I think she's lucky too to have met the mature Rove. We're still both work-in-progress until we grow old. I pray that no one will give up on our relationship, through thick and thin.
So help us God. 😊
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Saturday, November 07, 2020
Love is a Verb
Thursday, November 05, 2020
My Love
It will also be our 1st Monthsary. ☺️ Once a year, we will celebrate both her birthday and our monthsary. 😆
I think I wanna marry her. 😆
Wednesday, November 04, 2020
Casual discussion with Love
Tuesday, November 03, 2020
My Queen
Love, my beautiful queen.
I think God really prepared us both, to be mature enough and meet in His perfect time. We’ve been friends for 13 months before I started liking her romantically. Then we fell in love with each other after a month. Then became an official couple.
“The right person does not run away.”
This time, I have to make it right. I have to do my best to be the right person for her.
God, please keep us strong mentally, emotionally, and physically. “Me time” is very important for both of us.
Soon, when I can now fly with no restrictions. I’ll see her.
So excited to travel the world with my love when the world gets better. ☺️
Friday, October 23, 2020
ma chérie
Hope it does not change even we're already together physically. I feel like a kid when in love. 😅😂 Her smile is contagious. I wanna see it everytime.
We had a talk last time. And based on those discussions, I told her that it seems like I will be under her. 😆 She then said, "Kaya tinanong kita kung sure kaba." I just laughed and said, it's okay. And told her something like, "let's see if you can control/tame me." She said, when she gets angry at me, she'll just block me in all comms. The duration of not talking to me depends on how grave my offenses are. 😅 At kahit suyuin or lambingin ko sya, it will not take effect. And I said to myself, "I gotta be careful not to make her angry." 😅 Twice na nya ko napaluha kahit di pa kami. 😆 So, need extra careful on my actions and on how I think.
Last night, we had a talk about 'sleeping habits'. She couldn't sleep with someone beside her touching her. 😳 So that means, when we travel together, either I get a twin bedroom or get a very large bed and make sure my body won't touch hers. And she said, her sleep is very important as she tends to vomit in the morning from lack of sleep. And when she suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, she couldn't sleep anymore. Her sleep is much important than our relationship. And she quoted, "Di bale walang jowa, basta may tulog." So sleep is lifer for her. 😆
She also have "not allowed" food and drinks. She can only drink water. 🤭 No salty food (which I love!), no streetfood, no noodles, no balut (oh em!), no small beans, etc. That means, when we're together, I got to ask her what she would like to eat and is okay for her. 🤪
I got to be extra careful when she's around. Anyway, I'll be under her, I guess. 😅😂 Her wish will be my command. 😆
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Random Thoughts
Why after fighting for 5 years, you have finally given up on Cha?
I think I've answered this already from my previous posts.
Tired of chasing and begging someone to stay and be loyal and faithful to me.
I think, Cha really wants to have a boyfriend. She just doesn't want to hurt me by telling it directly to my face. If she's not and was contented with me, she won't ever cheat. First one, Daniel. I let it pass because she said he's a childhood bestfriend. Second, Jake. This is the most hurtful one. I forgave her. Last one, Daryl. Another childhood bestfriend. (Really, how many childhood bestfriends does she had relationships with? 🤪) I don't wanna know anymore when their affair has started.
Once is enough. Twice is too much. Thrice, it's already my fault.
Why chase and beg for someone if the right person is out there waiting? God really works in mysterious ways. And there's a reason why He let me and Cha met 5 years ago - probably to teach both of us a lesson. After 5 years, I have let go everything. God saved me from a lot of trouble. I just have to lay all my life and plans unto Him.
Now, I think I found my right person. Hopefully she is. Still praying for God's direction. 😊
Monday, October 19, 2020
3 Decades of Adventures! (Happy Birthday!)
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
What’s up
I'm a negativity absorber. I want to fly away, together with my furbabies, from people and from mess.
I really appreciate the effort of Carol for checking on me or talking to me from time to time. Her smile is like a sunshine to my gloomy weather.
I so much love my furbabies. They comfort me whenever I'm sad or stress. They are my happy pill. I will never leave them no matter what. If I'm going to choose between my family or my furbabies, I'll choose my babies. If will choose between a romantic partner or my furbabies, still same choice.
Friday, October 09, 2020
Seek Him First
Thursday, October 08, 2020
Make it right
Using the partner or other persons's weakness to manipulate him/her into my advantage.
I am guilty of this! This is one of my biggest mistakes I've done to Cha in our relationship. Making her feel guilty for almost all the things I said.
Now, I don't wanna do this anymore. This time, I need to change for the better if I really want to be the right person for Carol. As time goes by, she is opening up to me little by little and I get to know her (thanks to my knowledge of psychology). I don't want to make her angry again. She tends to instantly block me to all modes of comms when she got mad and not talk to me for minimum of 24hrs. 😣
If Carol is really the right person God has prepared for me, I have to do my very best to change within.
P.S. They said, it's always easy to start a new relationship than to maintain it. For me, it's the other way around. 😆 I have to introduce myself again, know the other person, etc.
Wednesday, October 07, 2020
Let It Go
Monday, October 05, 2020
My God’s Woman
1. Before entering into a relationship/commitment, make sure you and your partner should have similar view in life.
2. Make sure that both of you share the same goals for your relationship. E.g. One you will be for the rest of your life, marriage, etc
3. Ang hirap pala ayusin set-up ng mga bata kapag naghiwalay parents. 😅 Both parties gusto makasama yung kids. 🙁
4. Ang hirap pala maglinis at mag-ayos ng mga gamit kapag naghiwalay na. 😅
5. Ayaw ko na maranasan ulit ang heartbreak. Baka di lang stress at acute cyst ako mgkaroon. Baka next time, ikamatay ko na. 😒
I may had a failed long-term relationship, but it doesn't define who I am. I thank God and Cha for teaching me so many things. And I hope I will remember them always and become more mature.
This time, the next person God will introduce to me hopefully is the woman He's been preparing for me, my The One. I want to be the right person for her. I will do my very best to keep her, serve her, respect her, and make her happy. "Happy wife, happy life."
Let Your will thy be done.
Entrusted to Him
So now, it's just okay that we both know that we really like each other. Then if we're really meant to be, then we will eventually become a couple. In God's perfect time, everything will make sense.
Sunday, October 04, 2020
Be The Right Person, Rove
Saturday, October 03, 2020
Doofus Rove
Carol and Cha are the same. I am just asking. Yes, sometimes there's jealousy. But most of the times, none.
Same na same sila sumagot. 😒 They really can't handle me? I know there's something wrong about me.
I have to fix myself. I think I really need time. Maybe Carol is the right person but I'm still the wrong person just like Cha and Rove.
Horse inside me has to be unleashed. Ayaw ko muna ng romantic relationship. 😞 It’s better to be single, Rove. Para walang nagagalit at wala rin bigla nalang mawawa ng parang bula.
Who is she
There are few times I am dying to see Carol in person. That I would like to hug her. And maybe kiss her. I think I am really in love with her.
Does it mean, I have already moved on from my past? I guess so. Because I am unable to like two or more persons at the same time. 😁 I don't have that kind of talent. 😋 Haha!
Carol had been from two long-term relationships (6 years each; started at 16yrs old). And I had been from one long-term relationship (4.5 years; already 25yrs old). So it's understandable that we're both cautious in entering into a new commitment. I would like her to be my last but we both don't want to "magsalita ng tapos". We don't have any idea who are the persons God has been preparing for us or destined for us. I told her that we should wait until we see each other again and maybe commit. That if it's really God's will, we can wait patiently and faithfully until it's now okay to air travel and meet.
P.S. Still praying for that woman God has been preparing for me. No idea who is she. I just have to be patient and change myself to be a better person and be the right person for her.
Friday, October 02, 2020
To my ex
Not today but last Aug 2020. 😊
Live in the moment
Maybe I met Cha in the wrong time. Time wherein she's about to experience quarter life crisis and still doesn't know who she really is and what she really likes/wants in life.
Maybe this pandemic will last for a year. End around Feb/Mar 2021? And since I live in PH, travel domestically won't still possible till then. 😔
Then I will be stuck here??? No lovelife for Rove till then? Haha! I'm supposed to meet Carol once air travel ban has lifted.
It's always easy to start a new relationship than to fight for the previous or existing one. Why? People just like it. Only strong people withstand through time. Though I was willing to do that (was about to propose remember?), my ex-partner was not. 😔 I always just say to myself that maybe, it's God's plan. He wanted to save us both because we're still not yet ready or He has different persons prepared/destined for us.
Whatever God's plan is, I don't have any idea. What I can only do is to live in the moment. Live in the PRESENT.
Now, it's easy to spend time with myself, my furbabies, and my family. Maybe it's God's plan then. It's also easy to talk to Carol. Maybe it's God's plan too.
P.S. Carol and I don't always talk. In a day, 30mins to none at all. Probably we're already mature enough not to always have a chat or call 'cause we know we have our own activities too and we are confident with each other.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
In His Perfect Time

God only knows
Carol wanted me to like/love her not because she likes/loves me. But I prefer to be with someone who sees and values my worth the way I see and value it. I'd rather choose the person who likes/loves me than I like/love. She's the other way around.
I want to scrutinize my heart and feelings. I love Cha. But I don't want as a romantic love anymore, but a family and bestfriend love. Why? I've had enough. I want to completely move on from the romantic love I may have left for Cha. I want to love Carol because I love her. I don't wanna think about the "if only Cha didn't ignore me last month, etc".
I have to spend more time alone. When I can now travel, I want to travel alone or with my family. I might want to go for few weeks. She has a choice of whether she'll wait for me or move on. If she chooses the latter, then she's not the person God is preparing for me. If she chooses the first one and was able to wait for me, then surely, I will be hers forever.
God, I know you have very great plans for my life. And I want to trust you. I cannot trust my mind nor my feelings anymore. I want to trust you completely and surrender myself. I don't have any idea what's best for me or who's the person you have been preparing for me. I just know she's out there. Please help me change to be a better person and be the right person for your person. Thank you for always saving me. Amen!
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
A Traveler’s Prayer
I really wanted to go to Australia and bring my mother there.
I really wanted to go back to Japan and South Korea. And probably bring Venice in Japan.
I wanted to go to Batanes (3rd try). I already bought my tickets for March 2021.
I'd rather stay single and travel. Not unless God will give me this year or next year the woman of my prayers and we'll travel together. ☺️
I wanna spend more time with myself, my furbabies, and my family.
In Jesus name, amen! 🙏
Sunday, September 27, 2020
In God's Plan (Seek Him First)
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Character Ethics
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Beach house for the win!!! ^_^
Making People Glad To do What You Want
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Make The Fault Seem Easy To Correct
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Give a Dog a Good Name
Monday, September 21, 2020
How To Spur People On To Success
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Let The Other Person Save Face
Friday, September 18, 2020
No One Likes To Take Orders
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Talk About Your Own Mistakes First
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
How To Criticize - And Not Be Hated For It
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
If You Must Find Fault, This Is The Way To Begin
Monday, September 14, 2020
When Nothing Else Works, Try This
Sunday, September 13, 2020
The Movies Do It. TV Does It. Why Don't You Do It?
Saturday, September 12, 2020
An Appeal That Everybody Likes
Friday, September 11, 2020
What Everybody Wants
Thursday, September 10, 2020
A Formula That Will Work Wonders For You
Wednesday, September 09, 2020
How To Get Cooperation
Tuesday, September 08, 2020
Good job Rove!
Monday, September 07, 2020
The Safety Valve In Handling Complaints
Sunday, September 06, 2020
I love myself 😊
I was deeply heartbroken and fell ill. I didn't give up life despite that. I started working out, meditating, having healthy lifestyle (eat nutritious food), and reading and learning. And when working out and meditating were not enough, I started taking my anti-depressant medicine every other day. Now, I feel good almost everyday. Whenever I feel sad or lonely, I just acknowledge the feeling and embrace it. I love being single, spending time alone and with my family. I went back to being generous in saying "I love you" to my parents, my siblings, my furbabies, and others. 😁 Feel so good expressing your love to your loved ones. I can still make myself smile and laugh - jamming to the music and dancing alone. Haha! And when I'm bored and nothing to do nor talk to, I just read. 😉
I am healing fast. I just have to stay in the present. Avoid thinking about the past and thinking much about the future. Also don't expect anything. 😁