Do you think my mom buys me everything that I want?
No it's not.
All my wants came from my own blood and sweat.
My mom never bought me anything that I told her I would love to have.
From my sneakers, PS3, posters, albums, clothes..
I started buying on my own since I'm about to finish College.. until now...
I'm still a kid. Yeah.
I would like to experience all the things that I know can make me happy, smile, and laugh.
I wouldn't know. One day, I might never wake up again.
That's why every chance is important to me.
I still do slow down at times. I know my limit.
But wat da on earth?
I work for my own. I live on my own.
I pay even my stay here (inc. food, transpo, etc.)
One day, I was thinkin'.. What if I just bore a child and have someone.
Maybe my parents will provide all the things I need - even for my child?
Hahaha! Silly thoughts..
Anyway, I just gotta tell my mom that I won't be able to give her half of my salary for the following months.
I gotta pay my debt to my credit line. (Sick PS3!) Tsktsk.
God knows my heart. Jesus knows me.
They know all about me. Though I don't understand myself, they do.