There's somethin' I wanna tell you. Haha. You know what, I dreamt of Im YoonA last night.
Actually, this is the very first time I had a dream of an artist especially talkin' casually with them in that dream. XD It's so clear, very vivid. Yuri and Sooyoung were also there. However, they're so busy playin' and makin' fun with each other. Haha. The setting is in a typical high school classroom where few minutes left before dismissal. Students were all playing around while the teacher was discussin' some stuff with few students in front. Yoona and I were havin' fun conversation while sittin' next to each other in our chairs. Actually, I am not her seatmate but I approached her and sit beside her. I said somethin' like, "I watched your group's performance dancin' the Super Junior's Sorry Sorry. It's so great. However, in most of the perfs, you're not there." She said with a witty smile, "Yeah." Then I said, "Tsktsk. Bad.. The perfs were great but you didn't even showed up once. I guess you're in a shooting in one of your drama." Then she said, "Yeah. I was in a shooting." I said, "Not so sure but the title's drama has a word ____." Then she started statin' all of her drama appearances' titles. While I was answerin' with "No, not that." The last thing I said is, "Not so sure but it has a word ___." Then we ended up laughin' and havin' fun. Of course the conversation was in Tagalog.
Though she's a Korean. XD
Yoona is so friendly and nice. She's pretty and surely a goddess.
Now I ended up watchin' her first KDrama in Youtube. Hahaha!
Im YoonA as Jang Saebyuk in You Are My Destiny
Yrekcah Van Helsing
Grand M0nde
Earth, Solar System
Grand M0nde
Earth, Solar System