Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Good job Rove!

Hey Blog!

Just want to tell you that God granted my wish and prayer. I have finally moved on from Cha last month. Also was able to recover from my physical illness. All the hard work and prayers paid off. 

What I did? Detached myself from the social media. Learned and began practicing meditation - I still do it everyday. I even did it twice a day. I started practicing mindfulness. Then I started working out 2-3x a week and avoided junk food and drinks (inc. fast food). I also began reading business books and writing my thoughts in my blog. When I feel lonely or sad, I just embrace the feeling, pray, and meditate. And also to help my mental health from falling into depression (because of pandemic), I started taking anti-depressant every other day. I started being grateful and generous with ILYs to my loved ones.

Lastly, acceptance and forgiveness. I always ensure that I only think is the present. I avoid thinking about the past nor the future. Mindfulness.

I am recovering fast. Thank you God and I love you. I now enjoy being single and alone. ^_^

Aside from this, I am also praying for the person God is preparing for me. Praying that she should be my last and only person I would like to spend the rest of my life with. And I can wait. Patience is a virtue.


As for Cha, I tried reaching out to her since we had misunderstanding last July 27 until now. But what can I do if the person doesn't want to be reached out? I also cannot give Moo, Rain, nor Katkat to her. Why? She failed to ask how they were doing for the past few weeks (Jul-Aug). Now that they are doing good without her, she's going to get them? Na-ah. She can only borrow Tiger, Api, or Roshi. For the rest, I will not let her borrow them. She might not return them. 

Even though I don't know her reasons why she did all that, I deeply understand her. If I were in her shoes, I might probably do the same. But past is past. What we can all do is to move forward.


Nothing is impossible with Him. =D

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