Wednesday, August 12, 2020

When People Irritate You

Dear Friend,

We live in an "on demand" culture. If you want to watch your favorite show or listen to a particular song, technology has advanced so that you can—on demand. If you want to order a book, groceries, clothes, or even a car, you can with a few simple clicks online. We can get what we want, when we want (most of the time). And while this is a great use of technology, it doesn't translate very well when it comes to human relationships. When we mix the two, we find ourselves irritated when others don't act according to our expectations on demand.

Patience is one of the traits of love. To be loving is to be patient. It can also be described as accepting the imperfections of others. This begins by recognizing that people are not machines. They have thoughts, feelings, and they make decisions. Those decisions will not, and do not, always line up perfectly with our expectations, so if we want peace in our emotions and relationships, we need to learn to show grace—allowing others the same freedom we want afforded to us.

If you find yourself irritated because someone is not acting according to your expectations, take a step back, be patient, show some grace, and give him or her the freedom to be human . . . just like you.


Dr. Gary Chapman

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