Tuesday, July 02, 2019

God’s Gift: Forgiveness

It's true. That it took me almost a year to forgive the 3rd party between me and my ex, not until recently. I hope that I have finally  forgiven him. And this means, I have forgiven my ex too 101%. I don't have any baggage anymore. I'm ready to move on now and start anew. 

Also, I found out that my ex has not yet forgiven me for the hurts I caused her. As of now, Sorrys are of no use to her. Hopefully, she'll forgive me though it will take years. But what I pray is that she'll forgive herself first so that she can forgive others. 😞 The she can move forward.


I remember the deaf comedian woman who had a talk. She said that the only gift that cannot be taken away from us is Forgiveness. And in order to forgive the people who caused us so much pain, we should forgive ourselves first.


I pray that God's love help us forgive each other. That God will lift all these baggages and help us move on.

Thank you God for your unconditional and unending love. Because of this, my heart and mind are continually being cleansed. Please always remind me to be patient in every little I am doing in life. Please guide me to the path you have laid upon my life. Please give me knowledge and wisdom so that I can make sound decisions that are according to your will. Thank you Holy Spirit for being always there for me and for my family. I pray all these things in the mighty name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, amen!

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