Friday, June 07, 2019

I wanna look back and just laugh

Looking at the night sky, cold breeze gently touches my face.

If I'm going to buy my own flat, I would like to have a balcony. Hopefully this Victoria Sports Tower II has balcony. If not, I'll ask if I can build one. 😆

The day my love left me, I tried going on online dating apps. But I failed, I just can't seem to find the person I almost like. Maybe because in my mind, there's just one in my heart. Then I ended up deleting them, including my social media apps. Reason, I don't wanna know チャ's whereabout unintentionally. And I don't want her to think that I am stalking her which is not.

I wanna get busy with other things, be distracted by other things.

I was also told by a close friend to stop messaging チャ even for 24hrs, but I couldn't. I ended up sending her "have you eaten?" even once. I don't wanna ask her too many questions because she tends to get irritated and end up telling me "dami mong tanong" or "dami mong sinasabi". Maybe I should just shut my mouth and mind my own business. 😞

I'm not really confident when it comes to courting. I easily get discouraged especially when I found out that the person I like/love has other crush/like/love. 😞 I'm not competitive when it comes to lovelife. If I see that I don't have a chance, I automatically withdraw myself and just get disappeared. Maybe this is the reason I was single for 5 years and only had 2 girlfriends and the other one lasted for 4 years. 😆

Get fucking rich Rove!
You deserve an unconditional love.

If チャ is really the woman God gift to you, no matter how long it will be, you two will end up together. If she's not, still trust Him. The better will always come.

The day will come that when you look back at your blog posts, you'll just laugh reading these. 😁

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