Friday, May 31, 2019

Fishing Principle

"Don't cry because they left you. Work on yourself and make them regret it."

"It's okay if people don't like you. Most people don't even like themselves."

One article said, "there are still many fishes in the sea." My take, yes, there are. But not so many quality fishes.

Finding a partner is like fishing.

To get a very rare and quality fish, you have to do few things:

1. Work hard to build a quality and sturdy fishing rod. This is going to be your tool.
2. Prepare the best bait. Bait doesn't come overnight. Research and experiments are sometimes needed.
3. Work hard to fund your expedition. Rare fishes don't mingle with other fishes in common places. Research is needed here. Prepare your other needed resources.
4. Pack your things and go! Only brave souls are blessed with opportunities and chances.
5. Lastly, at the location, hard work and patience are needed. Throw your fishing line as far and as hard as you can. Then you just need to wait. Timing is everything! When you finally got something, with all your might, pull it.

Of course, the fishing principle is not only applicable in getting a lovelife, but also in achieving your goals and dreams in life. 😉



My sando smells like チャ's sleeping saliva. 😅😆 Was I not able to washed this properly? Darn! 😂🀣😂

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