Friday, March 15, 2019

The art of not giving a fuck


Talking to ハニー pushes me to be someone I was not.

When I was a kid until recently, I don't talk much to people outside my family or close friends. In school, most of the time, I don't talk at all. I tend to be talkative at home only or with close friends.

Now, I should limit the words I say when talking to ハニー. And would prefer to have a chit chat other than her. Why? To avoid fights and misunderstandings. ハニー would prefer to hear what she only likes to hear. Well, I'm already learning this skill in just few days.

I can no longer comment when she is talking about her family. Me? Alright.

I am learning "the art of I don't give a fuck" to anything when I needed to. 😁


This arrives to other things...

Since ハニー's fake dad (Jap) doesn't like me (without any explanation and ハニー doesn't bother asking because maybe I don't matter at all compare to him), I don't like him twice or thrice too. 😏 My hunch, he is insecure with me and jealous of me. Why? Maybe there are things he can see that he's unable to attain and/or I got ハニー' and he is jealous because his "wife" left him for someone else. Well, it is his fault in the first place. He is too lazy (behavior of "what come may"), the behavior ハニー's mom doesn't like. 😆 People will leave people who are "Juan tamad" with no dreams and no concrete plans, I pressume. And he's too boastful and easy go lucky. 😏 Good luck to him! Hope he'll get what he likes while he's still here in PH. Worst case, he will be running back to his home country and regretting the decision to stay in PH.

Another one, the ugly helper in their condo. Two faced person as said by ハニー. Well as for me, I don't trust that human/animal anymore. I will not get close to people who are fakes. Fake people are dangerous. They only desire your downfall.

This is what I learned overtime despite me being kind and understanding to living things. You know how many times I've been tricked by people who I thought are kind. In general, I find the good about all things. Maybe this is how I was raised by my schools since a kid - "find goodness in every person and trust that goodness even small".

As a conclusion, I don't wanna be like them - full of insecurities, jealousy, and selfishness. I will just stay vigilant. Choose my battles and do not dwell on them little creatures. "The art of not giving a fuck." 😏

Warning: Never try to deceive nor hurt anyone from my family or me, or else, you'll have a good place in hell. 😉

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You can say anything you want, but say it nicely. =D