Thursday, March 28, 2019

My beautiful woman

Yo Blog!

You ask me if I'm distracted? Yes, I am. Everytime my ハニー is mad at me, there are so many things that go through my mind.

Why am I still holding on? I read somewhere, "before you give up, think why you are still holding on". I just not love her as my partner and future wife but I love her as a person. I adore her. I respect her. I trust her. And I am so proud of her. I burst in angst every time someone does not respect her as a woman and as a person. My hulk inside come rushing out.

And oh! I gave her a ring. That ring is not just a ring. It's a promise ring. And I thought of it million times if I'm going to give her and if yes, when. For me, ring symbolizes purity and eternity. It's not a rice when is hot, I can just spit it out.

Only dishonesty and unfaithfulness will set us apart. No one is excepted from this.


Last night, I just tried drinking San Mig classic. It turned out I drank 3 bottles. At first bottle, I was already dizzy but since I have not taken any dinner, I drank and ate pica-pica all the way.

The result? I was vomiting in BGC and pooped at my pants. I thank my teammates so much - Gretch, Jus, and Yven - they accompanied me and provided me things to help me ease my dilemma. I vomited in someone else's car and at my clothes.

Lesson Learned: That will be the first and last time. I will never ever drink beers (except for San Mig Apple) anymore even I have the biggest problem on earth. I looked and felt terrible. I didn't like the feeling of stomach ache caused by vomiting and LBM and dizziness. 🤮


God, I am sorry. Get rid all the people who distract and would just like to cause problems to our relationship (ハニー and I). Please keep us faithful with each other. In Jesus name, amen!

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