Thursday, January 03, 2019


God, help me.

I don't know what to do with this depression.

I'm having visions again of committing suicide.
I've seen I locked myself up in my room. Closed door and windows. Sealed every air outlet. The portable stove was lit up, and there was a charcoal melting in the frying pan. After sometime, closed the stove and laid down on the floor.

I saw my family trying to open the door after hours I didn't get out of the room. My parents rushed me to the hospital, only to find out that it's already too late. Mom called my sister and told the news. I saw ハニー rushing home after hearing the news from my sister.

I saw friends and colleagues in my funeral, shocked. I saw Innah wearing black blouse and black shades. People were crying.


Searched over the internet: carbon monoxide poisoning

"A new study - the most detailed yet into the phenomenon - concludes it is now claiming the lives of people who would never before have gone through with an attempt to commit suicide."

It's the easiest way out.

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