Tuesday, January 01, 2019

It’s 2019!

Yo Rove!

You had a year full of blast. When I say "blast", full of ups and downs.

It was then you had depression and had psychiatric sessions and medications.

It was then you were lied and cheated on by the people you trusted and loved.

It was then you had fights with your parents and significant other.

It was then you learned that not all the people you value can reciprocate your love upon them.

It was then you became broke.

It was then you bought the things that you think made you happy.

It was then you injured yourself, not just physically, mentally, but emotionally.

It was a year you lost control of yourself.

But of course, it was a year where you concluded your depression medications.

It was a year you founded a travel consultancy as extra source of income.

It was a year you went on adventures with your family, friends, and significant other.

It was a year you enrolled to a gym and started looking upon your wellness as a whole.

It was a year that you learned that all worries can be solved by prayers.

It was also a year that you learned to forgive no matter how painful it is.

It was a year to celebrate and smile despite all the predicaments in life.

It was a year you started to learn how to call for help when you are about to lose control.

And finally, a year you learned to call God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit more frequently.

On this 2019, may I continually experience the good things I have started in 2018.

May God continually be the source of my strength, my cure, and love. May He continually be my source of everything.

May Christ continually guide me to the path God has prepared for my life. May He show me the way to the door God has created for me.

May the Holy Spirit continually touch my heart and mind to have self-control. May He continually remind me the things I should not be doing and should start/keep doing.

May God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit keep me away from the things/people that will only bring me to destruction. But if They so, may these things/people be an opportunity for me to learn and grow.

Thank you God for the, no word can describe, 2018.

Now, please prepare me for another round of adventures and learnings this 2019.

I love you God!
In Christ's name, amen!

2019, bring it on! 😎

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