Friday, February 02, 2018

Monster Mom

When your mother doesnft understand a thing and doesnft want to understand at all.

When your mother told you to leave your own room and transfer to a smaller room in the house. Why? Because my room be given to my brother with his live-in partner and their 2 kids, plus my brotherfs son from other woman.

I did tell my mother to do something first with the small room like renovate or maybe increase its size. But nah, she doesnft bother all. Only saying, gIkaw lang naman mag-isa.h Then can I just answer with gI have Tiger and Api (cat and dog). Are they not considered as my babies too?h Well, for my mother, they are not. She even calmly told me many times to get rid of my cats (I currently have Tiger, Reesha, and 4 kittens. On-going looking for fur parents who can adopt Reesha and kittens).

Then maybe, just look for an apartment. In fact, Ifm waiting for Tita Patfs apartment to finish and be available. Anyway, Ifm already tired explaining myself to my mother. And maybe this is the reason why recently I only talk to her very seldom.

Already tired of my life. Pleasing and understanding others are another thing. And Ifm dying to run away, run away from all of these damn things.

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