Friday, November 25, 2011

STRESS!!! +_+

STRESS!!! ~X( at wits' end

Luckily, %*-{ down on luckmy right thigh is the only one left hurt. :( sad Unlike since Sunday, both thighs were badly hurt. To the point that I couldn't bend, go upstairs, and worst go downstairs. It was like I gotta walk with my legs straight. They were hurting badly until to my knees. :-S worried

Nobody notices it 'cause I acted too good. I just bore the pain while walking and stepping thru stairs' steps. I don't want anyone to notice it 'cause I don't want them to pity me or do something to make me special. :| straight face

10:21PM. More minutes to go before I can now go home. I'll make sure that I'll go straight to my bed when I got home. I-) sleepy Hahaha! :D big grin

STRESS!!! ~X( at wits' end

This work shift is fine; but not the uber cold environment. It really makes my head aches and body sleeps. (:| yawn
Jeff treated me en Diann to Pancake House. ^O^||3 eat We ate a lot that I feel sleepy now. :)) laughing XD

STRESS!!! ~X( at wits' end

The refund issue is in the air. I don't pay much attention to it, especially to their conversations. But their hot aura shivers me. '+_+ cold Though I wanted to relax. The issue pushes me not to chill. Instead, do something as soon as possible for the refund. :-&lt sigh Why this World is so >:) devil.. 

STRESS!!! ~X( at wits' end

Favors everywhere. It's fine to me. But they are affected by external entities like stated above. #-o d'oh!That's why I couldn't be able to respond to them properly.

STRESS!!! ~X( at wits' end

I wanna to take a break. I mean, break from my current life. :| straight face I wanna just :(game) play game:(tv) tvo|^_^|o musico|\~ sing, and ^O^||3 eat
Is there anybody out there who wanted to exchange a life with me for a week or two??? '@-@ search me

:-(||> give up.

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