Wednesday, September 29, 2010

verdic birth chart

Based on this:

Things I always encounter through the personality tests or any tests I am answering: pragmatism, creative, analytical, generosity, empathy, scientific,  etc.

And yes, I am being critical and expectng too high. As a result, getting idealistic.

Though I love fun, I am still critical to things. *Sigh* Do I need to change myself for people could accept for who I am? I am always compromising, for the sake of relationships.

But always compromising does me no good. It makes me defenseless. Defenseless from people's abusive  intentional or unintentional acts.

I am willing to change always. But in any relationships, both parties should do their part to carry each other. They need to help each other to work out any relationships-family, children, friends, etc.

Nyway, I just told what I think about the verdic birth chart I got from Hahaha! XD
Yrekcah Van Helsing
Grand M0nde
Earth, Solar System

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