8 days to go...
I cant wait leaving this kind of lifestyle. Traveling to work for 2 1/2 hrs to 3 1/2 hrs one-way. -_-" Plus, Im not maximizing my brain nor my time at work. I cant see any future working with the local company Im working with now.
Even though, I know God has the reasons why He brought me to that place. I guess, it is to get in touch with Him again. Removing my workaholic mind to focus on Him. Also maybe He wants to show me how it is look like working in a local company - a very different environment. To know/see other people makes me realize I have not met all kinds of people yet, especially in the professional industry.
Hopefully, I'll be able to realize His reasons or purpose for placing me there even for a short time before I depart the place.
Now Im really late. -_- Got to wake up earlier tomorrow.
/rōv/ (v) travel constantly without a fixed destination; wander. (n) a journey, especially one with no specific destination; an act of wandering.
Personal Goals
Furbabies vaccine completion - In-progress (Target Oct 2020)Master in Management completion in APC - In-progress (Target Nov 2021)
Master of Project Management / Master of Project and Program Management admission in UoS - Planned (Winter 2021)
PP's B&B Inn Lot - Planned (Target June 2021)
Travel Goals
Batanes, Australia, Iceland, Switzerland, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Russia
"Focus on your goals."
I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13