Thursday, August 30, 2012

my 1st TL

Finally, I've found the perfect woman for me. :) happy
You kept on giving me reasons to like you. :"> blushing
As long as I stay in the company, you're my only one. :x lovestruck

It doesn't matter if you know it or not. Neither find it out or not. I don't care.
I'm just happy lookin' at you and thinkin' of you. 
Leikeze Van Helsing
Grand M0nde
Earth, Solar System

Friday, August 24, 2012

wata life

Heck yeah. People are so crazy. @-) hypnotized
Sick en tired of all of these s***.

How I wish killing oneself is not a sin. :-&lt sigh
Finish me as soon as possible.
Couldn't take it anymore. 

Darn my life.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Do not trust anyone." -Running Man

So... Wat's up?

There's no way out now Rove. Life is unfair. I guess it's not. It's the people who are unfair. Yeah...

I found out that.. Going to MBA after 2-3 years will not make any sense. My parents will not support my education anyway.
I thought, when I help them with their business by giving half of my salary will make them send me to school 100% in the future. 
But it's not. I heard from my mom's own mouth. They'll going to pay the 1st semester. But the rest, live your own life Rove! 

But at least Rove, you found it out earlier. Then, remove that mindset that you will leave your work after some years. Starting from now, think that you are just alone - living an independent life. Arasseo? 

Then wat's the plane Rove? 

Firstly, cancel the trip to Korea. On November, when nothing has changed, cancel the trip.
Secondly, when my older sister come home, I'll be renting a room in their homie.
I need to start living an independent life. The real one. I'm an adult now.

That's good to hear Rove. :) happy Always remember that you can trust no one, except you yourself. God and Christ are with you anyway. That's enough. ;) winking

Thanks buddy. :) happy