Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Yeah!

Few hours left.. And it will gonna be another year! &lt:-P party

Two years of misery will come to an end soon.. Yeah!!~^o^~ cheer
I gotta do my best as always. :D big grin
Ask for His guidance of course.
And most of all thank Him and His son for the wonderful days He has given me. :) happy

2012! Here I go!!!~ Another dreams will be realized.

Thank you God and Christ for everything.
I love you and I always do. :) happy
Thank you thank you thank you! No words can describe how much I thank you.
I love you and I thank you with all my heart. 

For more adventures in life, God and Christ. Yeah! :-)/\:-) high five

Thursday, December 29, 2011

honto ni suki desu yo L

I love the person who loves YoonA.:x lovestruck

I don't seem look like serious but I do. If only I got the courage to tell you how much I like you-into the extent of falling in love with you thrice. :"> blushing
If life only wants us to be just friends, I'm fine with it. :) happy As long as I'll be one of your best of friends.

I was tryin' out the urban legend I saw in one of the Anime. Putting your love interest as your phone's wallpaper for three weeks without anyone noticing it. ;) winking
I don't believe on these kind of things but I just wanna try. In fact, it's the very first time I've done this. :)) laughing
A lot of things I've done for the very first time-for the person I like so much.
But then, I know it's just feelings. When a feeling didn't return back, it'll be depleted soon. :-&lt sigh
And another unlucky thing for rove. =)) rolling on the floor

Monday, December 26, 2011

a sweet gift from the heart. :)

Thank you God and Christ. I love you!

Thank you for the brownies I ate this day and night. ^O^||3 eat
I know that you used Anne (my nephew's mom) to gave me brownies and so with our neighbourhood. :D big grin

It's been a year or two since I have last received brownies. Though I'm not really a fan of sweets, I think I came to like it. ;) winking

You know me, I don't buy things-especially foods-for myself that I think are kind of special to be given. I want to received them instead. :D big grin
And it makes me feel great. The food itself and the person who gave it. No matter how big or small it is, how cheap or expensive it is, as long as it's a gift from somebody, I'll take it wholeheartedly--and with a big smile. :) happy 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

completely wrong..

I'm gonna kill myself for this. :| straight face

I'm really broke now. Yeah I know. I'm a very impulsive person. Don't know why I still didn't change. It seems like I'm waiting for someone to change my ways--to control me for good. But I was completely wrong when I read this..

"I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question?" (Romans 7:24 MSG)
Have you figured out yet that a lot of times you are your own worst enemy?  It's your own reactions, your own fears, your own inadequacies that cause you to act in foolish ways. I know that's true for me.
I need to be saved from myself because there are things I don't like about me, things I wish I had done differently, things I'd like to change. But I can't change them, not on my own power. I need an outside power source. 
You may be saying, "I can change." I hate to say this, but you can't. In January, you're going to make a list of New Year's resolutions. And, by the end of January, that list will be in the dumpster. Why? Because you can't change on your own; you need God's power. You need a Savior; someone who can make the changes you can't make yourself. 
Let me make an important point here: God never wastes energy. He doesn't waste effort on things that are unnecessary. In other words, if you didn't need a Savior, he wouldn't have sent one. The very fact that God sent a Savior means you need one.
The truth is, if you are honest about it, sometimes you feel like your life is out of control. That's a pretty common feeling. Welcome to the human race! 
The apostle Paul felt that way 2,000 years ago. Paul says this in the Bible: "I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question? The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does"(Romans 7:24-25 MSG).That's the answer!
Let me be honest with you. You may be looking for salvation in the wrong places; that's why you're frustrated. You're looking for that one thing that's going to give you fulfillment and meaning and peace in life. 
Some of us think that if we could just get married, or if we could just get a certain job, or a promotion, or attain a certain level of wealth, or have a baby — or if our babies would grow up and graduate! — things would be great.
You're looking in the wrong places. 
A lot of people are looking for salvation in a self-help book. Or they're looking for it in therapy or in a fad or diet. Or they're looking for it in a vacation: "If I could just escape to Tahiti, everything would be great." The problem is that if you go to Tahiti, you're taking you with you! 
The answer is not in a place. It's not in a program or a pill. The answer is a person: Jesus Christ. You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life is never going to make sense.
How would your life change if you fully accepted your dependence upon Jesus? What would a "fully accepting" faith look like?
I don't need a far-away vacation place just for me to find myself. I need Jesus Christ. In Him, I'll be able to find the rest and peace I'm looking for.
I don't need to wait for a person to change me for good. Christ is always there-waiting for me to go to him.

I need Jesus Christ. I need God. I need them in my life. 
Why I didn't think of it in the first place.. :-&lt sigh
I'm sorry God and Christ. Now I know.
Please help me... You are the only one who knows what's really happening to me.
Though I don't understand myself, you yourself know it fully.
Thank you. I love you. :) happy

Sunday, December 18, 2011

random yeah. **** haha!


Sometimes, it's good that I left my phone at office. :)) laughing I'm not tempted to talk to people. Haha.
Now that I have my PS3, surely, I'll be back to my old old self--a gamer! :(game) play gameWahaha! :D big grin

Though this is the first time that I am broke and got sick this Christmas, I think everything will be fine. :) happy
God will make a way. Yeah!~ :D big grin

De-activated my FB account. :)) laughing Maybe going back on 2012. :D big grin

I got flu. Yeah you already know it. :| straight face What's the sense of tellin' this to you.. Haha.
Nyway, it keeps on dripping down. You know what I mean? =)) rolling on the floor
Water therapy is what I need. '+_+ cold

RX's playlist tonight is so good. B-) coolo|^_^|o music

As part of life, there are things that should be left unsaid and at the same time, left undone. :) happy

Saturday, December 10, 2011

new baby, new love. thank you God. ~_~

Gonna see my new baby tomorrow. :D big grin Quite excited. Haha.
I'm gonna take care of him with the love God has given me. :) happy

Be lookin' for a good bed for him tomorrow too. :D big grin

And.. try to look for a store that sells PS3 for an instalment plan. Haha. I also want to have one. You know.. 
Be playin' together with my new baby. :D big grin:))  laughing

Gudnyt fellas! B-) cool

Thursday, December 08, 2011

tiis tiis muna.. :D

Has still some paper works after the HP Christmas Party at SMX Convention Center. :| straight face :)) laughing
It's okay though. RX entertains me anyway. :D big grin
I wanna play Laser Tag! +_+ 
I'm gonna look at the site of Laser Extreme for the pricing.
Then I'll reserve the whole arena for a day and invite all of my friends. :D big grin

Had fun in the party's Photobooths. :)) laughing
Food is good too, especially the fish. :D big grin

Don't wanna think 'bout other people's issues.
Don't mind if they despise me or what. /:) raised eyebrows =)) rolling on the floor

I have already decided. I'm goin' to buy the Sony Bravia, KDL-40EX720, 'cause I wanna have the PS3. T_T
And it's goin' to be a whole year gift to my family. :D big grin
Just like what Tal has said, tiis tiis muna.
I'll try my best to stay in my work for more than a year.
In order for me to save a lot for my future plans. :) happy
So help me God. :) happy

Well then.. See yah! :D big grin